Ch. 8 the email

My mom drags me to the living room "alright what going on why'd you drag me to the living room?" I say

"I just got an email from your teacher that was very interesting" molly says

"Alright and you dragged me here for an email?" I say

"Yes he said something about you not being human" molly says

"Yea that's a lie" I say

"You're telling me that your teacher was lying?" Molly says

"I mean yea he lies about this stuff all the time" I say

"Given your track record recently I'm inclined to believe your teacher" molly says

"Seriously I haven't been that bad" I say

"Well you stayed out past your curfew yesterday and you've just been more sneaky than usual" molly says

"Ok maybe I've been bad but that doesn't mean I'm lying" I say

"Alright if you don't explain I will ground you" molly says

"What you can't do that I'm 15 not 7" I say

"I sure can now explain" molly says

"Can I call jack over please it'll make it easier" I say

"Fine go ahead" molly says

I take out my phone and I call jack and he answers immediately "James what's up man?" Jack says

"Jack can you come over like right now?" I say

"Yea sure what's going on?" Jack says

"Remember your sleepover that" I say

"Say less I'll be there in a few minutes" jack says hanging up

A few minutes later someone knocks at the front door "that must be jack I'll get it" I say

I open the door "hey James can I come in?" Jack says

"Yea thank you for coming on such short notice" I say

"Yea I always got to be there for my best friend" jack says

Molly comes to the door "jack so you know anything about James that is unnatural to you?" Molly says

"I mean he has the fastest mile time that's all I know" jack says

"Anything else like him not being human?" Molly says

"No James is as human as he comes" jack says

"You're full of crap just tell me the truth" molly says

"Hey don't talk to Jack like that" I say

"Yea that hurt my feelings" jack says

"I'm sorry- wait you're trying to guilt trip me" molly says

"What me guilt trip you why would I do that?" jack says

"You're trying to throw me off the truth I know you are" molly says

"Jack let's just tell her if we keep going we're going to be here all day" I say

"Finally alright talk" molly says sitting on the couch

I mentally prepare myself to explain everything to my mom