Ch. 14 the day before summer

I wake the next day feeling like crap knowing that I have to go to summer camp tomorrow I get ready for school I put some clothes on and I shift into a human and I get on my computer "at least it's the last day of school" I think to myself

time skip to 1st period

I log onto my 1st-period class and everyone is just quiet until my teacher starts speaking "so James last day of school what are you going to do"

"I'm going to a summer camp with Jack," I say

"I thought you didn't like camping," Mr.Johnson says

"well I don't like camping but I'm forced to go and I'm dreading it" I say

"why is that?" Mr.Johnson says

"my mom is forcing me to go" I say

"oh I see" Mr, Johnson says

"yea well what are we doing in class today," I say

"oh we're not doing anything so you can just leave if you want," Mr. Johnson says

"I'm going to go because It was nice being in your class I hope everyone has a good summer," I say before I leave the class. My last class went by fast after school I started to pack for summer camp "this is going to suck" I think to myself

I call Jack and he answers me immediately "James what's up man you ready for camp?" jack says

"No I'm not can you come over when you have everything packed?" I say

"Yea for sure I'll be there in a few talk to you later" jack says hanging up

I start packing my things for camp