Ch.15 summer camp

Jack comes to my house a few minutes later with all his stuff he's taking to camp "Hey Jack you ready to go?"

"yea I am," Jack says we wait for a few minutes then the bus arrives with all the other people in it we get on the bus, and the bus drives to the campsite we arrive at the campsite an hour later the camp leaders line all of us up and put into groups of 3 for our cabins  me and jack got a cabin together and we also got someone named wren we all walk to our cabin and start talking to each other

"what's up my name is James," I say

"my name is jack," Jack says

"my name is wren and I look into anything supernatural " wren says

"Really like what?" Jack says

"well I believe that there is a shapeshifter here at this camp," wren says

"wait really why," I ask

"Two years ago at this camp site a wolf like thing was spotted here that has shapeshifter written all over it" wren says

"Sure buddy once you get real evidence come talk to me" I say

"yes I will" wren says

"anyways I guess we're spending a week here in this cabin," jack says

"yea I guess we are," I say as I start to feel my stomach bunch up in pain "I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back later ok bye" I rush out of the cabin and go hide in the bathroom

Jacks POV

"what was that all about," wren asks

"I really don't know," I say

"Well that's suspicious don't you think" wren says

"Why do you say that" I say

"Because I know is shapeshifters can only stay in human form for a couple hours and James just left to the bathroom you seriously don't think that's suspicious?" wren says

"Well maybe James had a bathroom emergency if you know what I mean" I say

"I don't believe that I'm going to try to keep an eye on James with or without you Jack" wren says

"Alright man whatever you say" I say

James comes back into the cabin

James POV

"Yo guys what did I miss?" I say

"Oh nothing much" jack says

"Why were you in the bathroom for so long?" wren says

"Why are you asking me that?" I say

"Because you were in the bathroom for 30 minutes" wren says

"Well I'm sorry for taking so long" I say

"I'm onto you James I know your hiding something from me I will find out what now I have to use the bathroom" wren says as he leaves the cabin

"James wren thinks you're a shapeshifter" jack says

"Why did he say that" I say

"Because you rushed to the bathroom unexpectedly" jack says

"Jesus wren is going to be a problem" I say

"Yea he is" jack says

"Let's just hope he isn't listening to us right now" I say "wait why did wren say he was going to the bathroom after I got back" I think to myself as I'm in my thoughts wren walks in the cabin

"I heard everything and I will expose you to the entire camp" wren says

"Expose me for what?" I say

"You being a shapeshifter I know you are one you better get ready we're going to have some activities start soon" wren says

"This is not going to go well for me since I'm very lazy" jack says

"I do hit the gym sometimes so I might do well" I say "I got to make sure I don't expose my abilities" I think to myself