
Ozul explored the tunnels making notes of recognizable features to create a mental map. All the tunnels were relatively the same. They were mostly circular and stone with stalactites erupting from the ceiling. The walls were damp with mana infused water trickling down in some places. Ozul avoided passageways that sloped deeper into the dungeon while hunting for food. Although he replenished some HP in his last fight, Ozul was still not fully recovered from the Umbra attack. Snails were his primary target to hunt and the weakest monsters he had encountered. Ozul appraised every large rock he passed ensuring that he would discover any camouflaged prey.

Besides the occasional wandering monster, the passageways were silent and still. The only noise arose from dripping water and infrequent screams that echoed through the tunnels. Battles were constantly being fought throughout the labyrinth and Ozul quickly grew accustomed to the blood curdling shrieks. A pack of rats scampered by Ozul as he hid in the shadows. "I wonder how strong I'll need to become before I can kill a group of rats. Hunting is a lot more difficult alone and I don't have any caverns to retreat to."

Ozul had been unable to find another snail since his hunt began and was growing impatient. The stress of being surrounded by stronger monsters and only surviving through stealth felt like something from a horror movie. Ozul would occasionally stop, while well-hidden, to rest his exhausted mind. The Umbra attack mangled Ozul's body, but also had severe effects on his mentality. He would suddenly and unintentionally recall the Umbra's attack.

The pain of being torn apart and hearing his bones crunch, crack and break. A raging torrent of emotions that bombarded him as one became predominate, hopelessness. Ozul managed to escape the attempted murder, but he knew it was only by sheer luck. His fear of death grew as his confidence decreased. Ozul's mind was slowly changing to a more bestial mentality. He felt rage more intensely and at times struggled to keep rational thoughts. He was mostly aware of his declining mental state but ignored it and prioritized regaining his HP.

A small ball of red and purple flesh came into view as Ozul entered a new tunnel. The ball was in the middle of the passageway and had several black spikes erupting from it. Ozul kept to the shadows and was about to use appraise when one of the spikes shot out of the slime barreling at him. He barely managed to dodge it and dashed from the tunnel at top speed. Ozul glanced back to see the ball of flesh rolling after him. The spikes had retracted into its body creating an orb that sped through the tunnels at a terrifying speed.

Ozul felt his heart sink as the ball closed the distance between them. It was only a few yards away when they both entered a cavern. Hundreds of monster bones littered the ground and a pack of Horned Wolves rested atop of a large boulder in the center of the cave. Ozul's panic caused him to accidentally fly into a monster's den and was greeted by a multitude of ear-piercing howls. The ball chasing Ozul began rolling away, but three wolves pounced on it. Tearing it apart in seconds and sending pieces of flesh flying through the tunnel's entryway.

Ozul flew against the ceiling as he dodged dozens of stalactites desperately looking for a way to escape. The wolves leapt into the air but were just short of catching him. Ozul saw another passageway and flew towards it. A large wolf, who was undoubtedly a high leveled monster, methodically got up from the boulder before barking and howling. Several wolves rushed to the tunnel's opening cutting off Ozul's escape. Seeing his path to freedom blocked, Ozul searched for another place of safety before spotting a crevice. It was high above the large boulder and was similar to the one he took refuge in against the light.

The high leveled wolf saw Ozul rushing towards the boulder and prepared himself to leap and kill the flying intruder. When Ozul came within striking distance the wolf jumped high into the air and almost skewered itself on a stalactite. It missed Ozul, who immediately wiggled and wedged himself into the crevice ignoring the furious wolves beneath him. Ozul was at the back of the fissure trying not to panic. Wolves were occasionally jumping at the opening and biting into it, showing their two rows of horribly long and discolored fangs. One wolf jammed its head into the opening and bit at Ozul almost reaching him before falling back to the ground.

Three hours passed before the wolves settled down and stopped the bombardment. Leaving Ozul alone jammed into the fissure above their resting place. "What do I do now?!" thought Ozul. He considered ways to escape but none of them were remotely safe. The wolves had set up a guard to watch the crevice at all times making most of his plans impossible. Ozul peered through the crevice's opening at the wolves below. There were twenty-three in total that drastically ranged in size. He employed appraise on the largest of the wolves.

Species: Horned Wolf

Level: 7

Experience to next level: 89/100

Health: 100/100

Strength: 52

Dexterity: 38

Wisdom: 20

Intelligence: 35

Species Advantages: Equipped with Horns That Provide Basic Magical Proficiency

Skills: Bite level 4, Night Vision Level 4, Physical Enhancement level 2, Pack Communication level 3

Titles: Alpha Wolf, Pack Leader

Curses: None

The other wolves had similar abilities but varying levels and stats. Seven wolves were level 6, the alpha wolf was level 7, and the rest were level 5 and below. "Fifty-two strength and thirty-eight dexterity. The alpha wolf is ridiculously strong and has the ability to command the others. Even if I was at my strongest I wouldn't be able to fight them." Ozul crept back to the end of the crevice. His body was sore from flying at top speed and dodging attacks.

Ozul's mind wandered to his time of humanity when he was never in danger and the biggest stress was an interview or exam. "My life is so different now." Before he could ponder further, a flashback of his fight with the Umbras penetrated his mind. Anxiety and stress overtook him before a deep anger erupted. "Gah, I hate this! I hate always being in danger, I hate being weak and helpless, I hate having no one to rely on."

If Umbras could cry, Ozul's tears would have dripped to the cave below as his anguish peaked. He laid there contemplating his life while his emotions ran wild. Much time passed before he calmed and critically thought. "I have to leave behind my human ideals. It's the only way I can survive and be sane. Even though I have the memories of a human, I am not one, but I will at least find peace here. I'll become powerful and take revenge on the Umbras who betrayed me and kill all the monsters who fight against me. I accept this world as my own." Ozul's thoughts cleared as he established his new goals and mentality. He began his new journey as a true monster of shadow.