Stone Prison

Ozul remained trapped inside the cramped crevice for several hours observing the wolves and considering dozens of escape plans. However, none were viable and would certainly lead to his death.

"The wolves are still watching the opening. If I dash away to escape, they'll probably block the entrance and kill me." thought Ozul. Discouraged, he practiced his bite skill while contemplating the situation. In Ozul's stupor of thought, he unintentionally bit and shattered a small rock. Pain engulfed his mouth, but the discovery gave him a morbid idea.

The cavern ceiling was riddled with dozens of stalactites suspended over the wolves, creating an armory of stone spears. If he made them skewer the vulnerable wolves, or even the cubs, Ozul would gain experience and dwindle their numbers. His plan was simple, but had many variables such as the wolves dodging, using magic, or him being unable to break the stone. He devised that attacking the cubs would likely cause the high leveled wolves to go berserk and decided to build a trap. Ozul began biting at the fissure's walls and ceiling, ignoring the pain and disgusting flavor.

Ozul had never constructed a trap, but quickly thought of an easy design using a similar method as the stalactites. He would create a small tunnel in the back of the fissure to conceal himself, raise the ceiling of the main crevice and carve out long, manmade spikes to impale his attackers. Each rock splitting bite brought a new rush of pain to Ozul. It felt as if his mouth was bleeding and teeth were cracking, but he refused to stop. Ozul's threshold for pain had risen considerably since his reincarnation, he could now withstand inhuman amounts of suffering.

Once the tunnel was completed Ozul appraised himself and discovered his HP decreased by two. He had 30/100 HP, less than a third of his total health. "I have to be cautious to not accidently kill myself, I am still injured and weak. If I try tunneling out, I'll die before I reach the end." Ozul's painful perseverance was awarded when he gained a deeper understanding of his bite skill. He could successfully bite through 8 inches of stone, plenty enough to collapse most stalactites.

Chunks of stone and dirt fell from the crevice above the alpha wolf. "What is the flying creature doing?" it vigilantly thought while pacing beneath Ozul's stone prison. The wolves were not intelligent monsters but relied on communication to hunt and survive. The alpha was the pack leader and commanded the rest of the wolves. It did not fear Ozul but was cautious against the stubborn intruder. The alpha had ordered ten of the wolves to go hunting and return with food. Dropping their total number to thirteen and making them vulnerable to attack. Ozul was aware of the departed wolves and was hurrying to complete his plan before their return.

Ozul finished restructuring the crevice and peered out of the entrance. The level 7 alpha wolf was beneath him, but unaware of his presence. The other wolves were spread out over the boulder either resting or sleeping. Ozul closely analyzed where each wolf was and the stalactites above them before targeting a sleeping cub. It had multiple long, thin stalactites hanging over it that could be easily broken. Ozul felt no guilt in killing a cub, after all they were monsters, and so was he. "This is it; I'll kill one and retreat back to safety." Calming his nerves, Ozul shot out of the crevice.

The Alpha wolf saw Ozul fly by him and assumed he was escaping to a passageway. It howled and barked in alarm, waking the resting wolves and commanding them to the tunnels' entryways. Ozul ignored the scrambling wolves and focused on his prey. The young wolf had jumped up to its feet but was still underneath a stalactite. Ozul broke it and watched it rapidly fall, piercing straight through the tiny wolf below. Before Ozul could appreciate his victory, the alpha leaped into the air and bit at him. He dodged the attack and flew back to the fissure. The alpha was enraged that its precious cub was murdered. It began growling as black energy radiated from its fur. The growl gradually became louder and guttural as it screamed in fury. The wolf employed its physical enhancement ability increasing its stats and providing overall speed and strength.

Ozul observed the haunting transformation while at the back of the fissure. It was his first-time observing magic; it was an unreal and terrifying experience. The alpha's muscles pulsated as it readied itself to absolutely ravage its cub's murderer. Ozul waited patiently for the wolf to enter his trap. The other wolves howled and snarled as their leader went berserk. It leaped at the fissure, pulverizing a large section of stone with every bite and widening the entrance.

Once the opening was large enough the alpha jumped up and jammed its head into the crevice using its two front paws to stabilize itself. The alpha's head and extended neck filled the fissure stopping a couple feet from Ozul's constructed tunnel. He could see the wolf's massive mouth bite at him as it desperately tried to reach. Its eyes were full of hatred and grief as its saliva covered Ozul and the surrounding area. Ozul felt a twinge of sadness for the wild beast before he dashed out and bit into a few of his manmade spikes. They fell and caught the alpha off guard piercing its neck and head, pinning it to the fissure's floor. The alpha's growls and barks became silent as its black energy faded away. Its limp body hung suspended in the air, the spikes keeping it from falling to the boulder below. The rest of the pack instinctually new their leader was dead and let out mournful cries. Ozul floated to the wolves' neck and ripped the head from its body. Most of the wolf's remains could not fit into the crevice, but Ozul still needed nourishment. The body fell onto the boulder causing an unholy splat to join the chorus of distressed whines.