The witness

Yanaught Detective school, red building, 10 AM

It was the beginning of a new day and Daniel wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery, so, Daniel and Simon left the red building and went to the yellow building. They were seeking the hall monitor that was in the area with the classrooms marked with 'C' at the beginning. There are four buildings that are part of the school, the red building is nothing but male's dormitories, the blue building houses female students, the yellow building has a library as well as people whom have important information. The last building is the green building, which contained the classrooms, canteen, teachers offices, teachers bedrooms and an assembly area.

They passed through the B-section in the green building which was the area with rooms for math and science, they left through a door leading out to a lovely garden with a spectacular fountain in the middle. The pathways in the garden had 4 different coloured arrows painted onto them, the arrows where the colours of the buildings mentioned in the paragraph above. They followed the yellow arrows to make certain they didn't get lost on the way.

When they entered the library they walked to a desk with a sign that said 'information' on it above it. There was a girl attending the information desk, on her name tag was 'Cindy' in bold letters.

"Hello I'm Cindy, how can I help you?" She inquired.

"May we ask about the whereabouts of the hall monitor of sector C is?" Daniel asked.

"It's 10 am, so I believe that she'd most likely be there, but you better hurry she probably won't be there for much longer."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." After this interaction was complete, Simon and Dan started walking toward the canteen, when they arrived they found the person they were looking for in mere moments, Simon went to order some food for the both of them while Daniel separated from his company to talk to the hall monitor.

"Good morning, my name is Daniel Smith, what is your name?" Dan asked her.

"Tiana Baskit, not that is any of your business." She replied, she seemed quite agitated.

"Is it ok if I ask you some questions concerning the incident."

"The murder? I've already told Mr. Quin all the information I had, but if I have to repeat myself, so be it."

"So you were at the scene when the crime happened, correct?"


"But what was your exact location?" Daniel pulled out his brochure, which he retrieved from the principal's office so he could look at the map without needing Simon by his side, sharing knowledge would be quite difficult if they were separated halfway across the school. Daniel opened his brochure to the page with a close up of the area the murder took place. "Mark where you were."

Tiana took out a pencil and marked her location with a x, after that she returned the brochure back to Daniel. Where she was at the time is shown left.

Daniel had already marked the location of the victim with a 'V' as seen on the diagram above. He now asked Tiana to mark where the criminal was standing when the crime was committed and to mark that location with the letter C. The diagram had plenty information now, maybe it was enough to help solve the crime. After all was said and done the diagram looked like this:

Daniel noted that the criminal was hiding the fire extinguisher, immediately Dan noticed a Contradiction between where the witness was standing and where the criminal was standing.

"How did you see the criminal?" Daniel asked.

"I was standing very close to the wall, and I could partially see that person through the narrow gap, also I saw that person running away from that direction, so I assumed that that person hid behind the fire extinguisher."

"Did you get a chance to see and recognize their face?"

"No, unfortunately for me, I did not see all that much, I was paralyzed in fear briefly immediately after the murder occurred."

"I guess in experiences like the one you had, it happened way too fast. Even I couldn't take action and I was just as far from the crime as you were." Almost immediately after Daniel finished speaking Simon arrived with meals for him and Dan. After they had finished they went to their next class. As they journeyed they discussed the mystery.

"So what do we do now?" Simon asked?

"Remember that rumour from yesterday, we might want to investigate further into that."

"What rumour."

"Yesterday, while we were on our way to the principal's office to sign in, we saw our witness rendezvousing with her boyfriend. Also after she left we saw the victim kissing that same boy on the lips moments later; there was a rumoured love triangle, we need to talk to that boy."

"If I remember, his first name was Toby, unfortunately his last name was never stated."

"We'll start looking when it's dinner time."

Daniel and Simon worked throughout the day and did everything possible to do well in their lessons, and after all that hard work Simon was glad to finally hear the dinner bell. Simon was so relieved that he forgot that he still had more to do.

"Come along, Simon, it's time we find this 'Toby.'"

"To interview him..."

"But we don't have a job to offer him." Simon stated in a tired delirium before Dan could finish his thoughts.

"No, but he could bring a new light to this case."

"But I thought all the lights were working."

"No, we need him to help us solve this case."

"But he's not a magnifying glass."

"Your taking this joking business a little too far."

"Not yet, they aren't even close to a 100-kilometer milestone."

"It's clear, your impossible to speak to you when you're exhausted."

"Well, I'm ready to leave now."

"So, no more jokes?"

"I ran out of material, left all the rest in my locker."

Daniel glared sternly at Simon for three seconds. "Alright," he stated after he was done glaring. "Let's head off, if we don't hurry there won't be any food left."

So, Simon and Daniel headed toward the canteen, when they arrived, Daniel spotted Tiani almost immediately, she was sitting with the exact same boy Daniel and Simon saw in the hallway on day one. That boy might have just been the one way to find the final truth, he could be the key to this mystery.