The Key to the Mystery

"Hey Tiani," Simon stated, "could Dan and I have a word or one hundred with your friend?"

"Oh, Daniel, Simon, have a seat, Toby, meet Mr. Smith and Simon." Tiani replied.

"That's so radical, an old man as a friend, my name is Toby; Mr. Smith, what do you teach?"

"Teach?" Simon chuckled, "he's actually here as a student."

"Well, you know what they say," Toby stated. "It's never too late for an old dog to learn new tricks!"

"Mr. Err..." stated Daniel, clicking his fingers as if to retrieve a memory.

"Oh sorry, it's Bell, Toby Bell." Stated Toby.

"Mr. Bell, is it alright if we talk to you in private?"

"Oh, sure man, but first let me just make sure my BTB is comfortable on her own."

Tiani giggled and said: "sure, take up as much time as you like."

Dan whispered into one of Simon's ears the following: "what does BTB mean?"

"It means Bride To Be." Simon whispered back.

Simon and Daniel walked over to another table, one which was completely vacant, both of them sat on one side, and Toby sat on the opposite side, this way Daniel and Simon wouldn't have to turn their heads too much during their questions.

"So, what's up?" Toby asked.

"The ceiling usually." Simon replied. Dan gave him a cold stare.

"We were wondering if you have any connection with the crime that occurred yesterday?"

"Except the fact that the only witness happened to be my girlfriend!" Toby stated.

"You mean 'just happened.'" Simon stated.

"I think your connection to the crime runs deeper than that," Dan said, "in all likelihood it is possible that you were having an affair with the victim!"

"What," Toby exclaimed abruptly, his cool and calmness had turned into a burning rage, uncannily at that moment the sprinkler system went off. Now all the students and faculty members were becoming soaked in the water that was supposed to extinguish a fire. "I don't know where you're getting your story from, but that was just a rumour, that was my twin brother kissing Mrs. Marane in the hallway yesterday!"

"Unfortunately, that can't be true," stated Daniel, "you don't have a twin brother! If you did, why would you just happen to be in the same hallway as he was when he kissed Mrs. Marane, that's no mere coincidence."

"I defiantly saw him; I was behind a fire extinguisher."

"That too is untrue, we were in that hallway too! The fire extinguisher in that hallway was on our side, we would have noticed you there. There was really no other place to hide, if there was you would have noticed us too."

"RAWRR!" He shouted, "ok, so the rumour's true, but don't tell anyone, my BTB is still my true love, I just wanted a little fun on the side. Can I go now?"

"I'm sorry you can't leave now, after all, you were at the scene of the crime." Simon stated.

"What! N-no way, I-I never was there." His voice began to shake.

"Of all things you could hide behind to see your twin, if he was real, give Mrs. Marane a kiss, you mentioned a fire extinguisher."

"So? What relevance does that make?"

"Because the criminal in this case was hiding behind a fire extinguisher at the time of the crime." Simon replied.

"Plus you found something there," Dan continued without Simon's input, "Something so important that instantly told you who was behind the crime, so you concealed it."

"I have no idea what your talking about." Replied Toby, "a k-key is not worth mentioning."

"A key?" Simon stated. "Let's see it."

"You know it's against the law to conceal evidence."

"Alright, I found this." Toby stated, he then took out a key, engraved on it was the following: 'EL-M2'

"Thank you for this we'd better get going now." Dan finished, it was late, so we finished our dinner and went to bed, not knowing that a big twist was going to happen tommorow.