The Cold Twist

March 7th, 2006, Yanaught Detective school, red building 8.30A.M.

It was 30 minutes before school. Daniel insisted that the mystery must be solved today, no matter how dangerous. He seemed eager to see what that key unlocked. It was the one thing that could break that could break the case wide open.

Daniel and Simon went to Tom's office to talk to him. Dan knocked on the principal's door, after a little bit, Tom opened it.

"What are you two doing here?" Tom asked.

"We're here because we need your help, I have stumbled upon a vital clue!" Dan replied. "This clue may be the most vital clue in this case!"

"Well, if that's the case, you should have a seat. So, what exactly do you need?"

"We require information." Simon stated.

"That's right," Daniel continued from Simon's statement, "it's about this key we found." He then showed the key he'd obtained earlier.

"Hmm, yes. I recognise it. This is the key to the evidence locker." Exclaimed Tom. "This one specifically belongs to the teacher currently teaching math to the students who are currently in their second year here."

"But that's…" Simon said. He was shocked.

"I'm afraid so Simon." Daniel replied.

"Why would he drop this key, do you think..."

"What are guys talking about?" Asked Tom.

"We think that perhaps Mr. Marane has a connection to this case somehow." Dan replied.

"But... but... that's preposterous, the victim is his wife, why would he kill her?"

"It might have been because of that rumour!" Simon exclaimed.

"You don't mean..." Said Tom.

"Yes, you'd be right, Mrs. Marane was in love with two people at the same time." Dan interrupted.

"This is insane, you must get to the bottom of this immediately. Here take these." Tom exclaimed and he took two badges out of his drawers.

"What exactly are these?" Asked Daniel.

"They what we call freedom passes. When you wear these then the hall monitor will know not to disturb you. Keep them for as long as you need to solve this mystery. Only once you have found the guilty party, you must return them to me."

Dan carefully grabbed one of the badges willingly and politely. Simon hesitated before taking the other.

"We promise not to let you down, we shall return soon." Was Daniel's last words before they left the principal's office.

The school was once again a student filled labyrinth; ninety percent of the students were up early to study in the library. It wasn't this crowded on the way to the office, but now the school was packed with hustle and bustle. The evidence locker was contained within the walls of the yellow building. They unfortunately had no other choice but to swim slowly through the irritatingly slow flow of students whom were just trying to get to the library before the first bell rang.

When they finally arrived at their destination, there was only two minutes before the first class began. Daniel and Simon went to the evidence locker and opened it with Mr. Marane's key. To their surprise they noticed immediately that something had gone missing. There, just above the centre, was a hook without anything attached to it. It used to have a piece of evidence hanging on it. Underneath the hook was a scrap piece of newspaper which was about ten years old. On the newspaper was a picture of a girl, the paper stated that her name was Jade Ellen. The article also said that she was shot once in the stomach and also that she had died from excessive bleeding. The one who killed her was never found, however the gun used belonged to a man named Kyle McElenry. He was taken to court, which ended in a mistrial as there wasn't sufficient evidence that he was the person that fired the gun. The murder of Jade Ellen is still unsolved to this day.

"McElenry's pistol was on this hook," Dan said, touching the hook which the gun used to reside. "I believe it was taken recently, there isn't so much as a hair of dust on this hook. Yet the other things in here have much more dust then I would ever allow to show up in one place in my home."

"Would you say it was taken two days ago?"

"I'm not sure, but I think we should take this piece of paper, and talk to Mr. Marane."

So they headed to M-2, when they got there, they waited patiently for the class to end. Daniel and Simon entered once everybody had left.

Mr. Marane was sitting at his desk, marking the homework from the previos day.

"Ah, who are you two?"

"I'm Daniel, this is my friend Simon." Replied Dan.

"I'm glad to finally meet you, I'm Robert, but you may call me Bob, what do you teach Dan?"

"Actually, I'm currently a student."

"Pardon me, I just assumed that you were a teacher, but if you are students then shouldn't the two of you be somewhere else?"

"Actually," Dan said, then Dan and Simon simultaneously took out their badges. "We have the right to be here. Now, we do happen to have questions regarding a recent homicide!"

"But why would you want to talk to me? If you need help solving mysteries, then you should ask the criminologist whom you get taught by."

"We would ask her, if you hadn't murdered her!" Simon exclaimed much to Daniel's horror.

"Me? But you have yet to show me anything that establishes a connection to the crime beyond me being the victim's husband."

"But we actually do have something," Dan said, taking the key out of his pocket, "do you have any idea of what this object is?"

"That's a dumb question, that is my key to the evidence locker, wherever did you find it?"

"We didn't find it, a certain student picked it up, after they discovered the crime scene."

"Are you suggesting that I dropped my key at the crime scene?"

"That is exactly what I'm suggesting."

"May we ask you when exactly did you lose this key?" Asked Simon.

"Two days ago, on the 5th."

"Don't you think it's a coincidence that your key was found where the killer was standing when they fired the gun on the exact same day as such?" Dan replied.

"I do believe it is a total coincidence."

"I've had an inkling that something might be hidden in this room, I called John earlier to check your office. I thought that since the person who committed the crime couldn't put the gun back into the evidence locker, then they must have hidden it somewhere else."

"Has anybody told you that you may know too much," Robert said, hastily pulling a gun from his desk drawer. "You were doomed the moment you accepted this case."

"Is that Mr. McElenry's gun which was stolen from the evidence locker?" Simon inquired.

"The exact one."

"But Robert, you can't kill me." Stated Dan.

"Why not?"

"There is a witness in this room."

"I'll kill him too."

"But ask yourself one thing Robert..."


"What is it all worth?"

"W-what!" Robert exclaimed, shaking. It seemed he knew what Dan was about to say next.

"What is it worth taking our lives? You'll have two more dead bodies, and more guilt on your mind, can you honestly say you can survive like that?"

Robert dropped the gun and began to cry.

"What happened back then, ten years ago, when you claimed your first victim?" Dan continued; his deep voice seemed to calm Robert down.

"Ten years ago, I too was a student, in this very school, I had a great deal of friends, but I also had a bully." Robert began his story.

"Would it be safe to assume that your bully's name was Jade."

"Jade Ellen, she bullied me hard, no one else bullied me, and nobody else was bullied by her. One day I saw Kyle, he had just returned from shooting practice, he's a hunter you know, his pistol fell out of his pocket. I didn't know what I was thinking, I picked it up, and Jade snuck up behind me, I turned around and the gun fired. I didn't know that the safety was off, I didn't mean to kill her. But her death made me happy, I felt free, but I couldn't escape from the guilt."

"Then what happened?"

"The police arrested Kyle, but there were too many fingerprints belonging to too many people on the weapon, Kyle explained that he taught everyone in his class on how to be a proficient marksperson. I wasn't in his class, yet I got away with it."

"How about your wife's murder?"

"I am also responsible for that, seeing that scene in the hallway angered me so much that I went to the evidence locker and grabbed a gun at random and shot her. I had no clue until the deed was done, that the gun I held was the same one I had used by accident 10 years ago."

"Don't worry, I'm sure, that if you confess to the police, that you will have a fair trial."

"Thank you, Dan. When will the police get here?"

"They're already here! Did you hear everything Mr. Quin?"

Mr. Quin opened the door and stated: "It's all on tape! Robert Marane you're under arrest for murder and manslaughter." Mr. Quin then took him out of school, reading him his rights as they went along.

Although the trial was still quite a long way away, the results of it would be 20 years for manslaughter and 35 more for murder! The manslaughter sentence was decreased to only 10 years as Robert already suffered 10 years of guilt. He will be convicted to a prison which contained some world-renowned psychotherapists. They will help him resolve all the problems plaguing him.

Back in the present, Simon and Daniel told the principal the good and bad news. Thomas then started making arrangements for an assembly for Dan's graduation.

Yanaught Detective School, Assembly Area, 11:00 A.M, March 8th

The time had finally come for the students to bid Daniel Smith farewell, he had to leave, but Simon had to stay, Simon was upset for Daniel was about to go away, but he knew deep in his heart that their paths will cross again.

Once the ceremony was over, Simon, Tom, and John accompanied Daniel to the portal.

"We're sorry to see you go." Tom said with a tear in his eye. "Your genius is needed elsewhere, but I do hope you return to see Simon graduate."

"Of course, I'll return for that." Dan replied.

"It has been a pleasure. If I'm ever stuck on a case, I'll be sure to write you a letter." Stated Mr. Quin

"I will be sure to answer them as swiftly as possible."

"I think I'll miss you most of all! I've never had a friend like you." Simon stated, he had even more tears streaming down his face than Thomas did.

"Simon, you should know, that no matter what, just like Xavier, you too are a such a good friend that it'll be impossible for me to forget you. Our paths will definitely cross again!"

After all was said and done, Dan walked through the portal. He had finally gained an official title as a detective.

He was now, and for as long as he chooses, Detective Dan!