Off to Hollywood

Perth police station, 11:00 AM, Daniel's secondary office (his main office is in Everleason), March 30th 2006

Dan was relaxing in his office chair, he couldn't believe he hadn't been assigned any cases yet, the last time he had solved a mystery was 22 days ago.

Suddenly the phone began to ring, Daniel picked it up with anticipation.

"Hello, Detective Daniel Smith speaking." Dan stated.

"Detective? I thought you were retired." Said the voice on the receiver.

"Robert, is that you old friend?"

"Yes it's me."

"How is show business?"

"I got a promotion, I don't do plays any more, I will be starting in a TV show."

"That's great, but why did you call me?"

"Because I'm afraid."

"What? Why?"

"I fear that something might happen to me, I've been getting threatening letters."

"Well done I'll head over as soon as I am able." Then you proceeded to hang up the phone, he then went to the airport.

He purchased a ticket for direct flight to LAX, when he arrived he took a taxi to get to Hollywood.

He went into the studio to look for Robert, he asked everyone he encountered during his search, they all pointed him toward studio 10. Posters of a show titled 'Dr. Saemon' were plastered on the walls of the studio. The images on the posters have striking resemblance to a picture that was on a book Daniel once saw on David Lancers desk. He remembered being interviewed at David's office, he could swear that the book on his desk was entitled 'Dr. Saemon' or something similar.

Dan attempted to enter via the back door, however a Caucasian male in a wheelchair blocking his way, the currently unknown man's skin was pale, possibly from months of not being in the sun.

"Who are you? What are you doing on my property?"

"My name is Daniel Smith, I'm a detective. I have been asked to come here by Robert, apparently he has been receiving threatening letters, he still has many of them in his possession. I am to figure out what exactly is going on."

"Hold on, is he being extorted? Or is he the extorter?"

"He's the former."

"Well then, I'd have to say this is the first of this problem, so your name is Daniel? Is it alright if I call you Dan?"


"Wait a second! You're the Daniel Smith that works with Lancer ain't ya!"

"David considers me his underling, he believes I work for him, but I'd much prefer it if he considered me his equal."

"Well that man is quite tough. He spent 2 years in this line of work. He toughened up pretty quick, but if anyone can help him see differently, I hope it'll be you.

"Why would you bring up David anyway?"

"He has been in Hollywood for two weeks."

"He has been permitted to investigate in this area. He's got a card like I do that allows him to investigate in cities that are allied with FORMAL, the Foundation of Official Rules for Mysteryms, Ascossians and Lintheros. This city has a System Corporation building in it, so I'm free to investigate here."

"Ha! You make it sound as if you have a better job than me, and beyond that you can also use your legs, your so much luckier than I am."

"I'm curious now, how did your legs get injured?"

"It's none of your concern, we've spent enough time talking, you have to go help your friend, and I have a show to direct, so get on with your job before I end up holding you up longer."

"Right you are, and in such a polite manner of telling me to go do my job. We will meet again, farewell."

"Yes, quite right. I'll move so you can enter the studio." The man in the wheelchair wheeled out of Daniel's way, after the man did so, Daniel proceeded to enter the building. Hopefully after such a long chat he could finally start getting to the bottom of this mystery.