'Rhombodian's Biggest Diamond'

Everleason museum, Everleason CBD, June 11th, 2006*, 13:11 A.M

*June 11th, 2006 in Australia

It was quite silent within the room which held all manner of gems and rocks. There were statues made from igneous stones in the darker parts of the room. The only light was the dim light of a half-full moon. Someone was in the room, he hid behind one of the brown curtains, but you wouldn't know they were brown because it was all but pitch black in the room. The unknown person wasn't Percy Flank, as he was just wandering into the room.

Percy was the current night guard on duty for this fateful night. He had his torch in hand and checked the exhibits to make sure that everything was still there.

Percy shined his light on the glass display in the middle of the room and noted that the massive white emerald was still in its case. But why was the emerald white? Generally, beryl gemstones are blue, yellow or green, but never white. It was all just an illusion. The curator used his illusion power to change the emeralds hue to a clear white so he could claim to have the largest diamond in the universe in his museum.

Some people were aware that it was all just for show, they knew that the gemstone was really an emerald and not a diamond. The emerald itself with a genuine article. Found by the Crystalla royal family hundreds of years ago. The current king Hugo Crystalla didn't mind having the emerald stored in the Everleason museum.

Percy soon exited the room. He found nothing amiss and he went to the café. He had stored ingredients in a white paper bag in the fridge so he could cook himself something to eat. He had all permissions to use the kitchen after hours by the curator and the kitchen's chef.

Meanwhile, the yet unknown, mysterious person left from behind the curtain and turned off the electricity to the security system. He now had sixty seconds before the backup alarm noticed that it wasn't a blackout and sounds.

The stranger shredded through the bolt pin with the tools he was carrying, sure it was loud, but this person knew that the guard was likely already in the kitchen making himself something to eat. The kitchen was all the way across the museum on the east side, the direction which Percy headed when he was inspecting the room. So, the stranger knew that Percy couldn't hear anything.

Thirty seconds remained. A red light began to blink in all of the museum, warning that if power wasn't restored to the security system, then the backup alarm will sound. Fortunately for the stranger, no warning lights existed in the kitchen. The stranger wasn't sweating though. He had already shredded the lock and opened the case. The main alarm would have sounded upon the stranger opening up the case, but they had already switched off the main alarm.

The stranger then removed from his pocket one of the greatest inventions that Goodlance industries had ever created. A blue dice. Blue dice are special, they are a pocket dimension. You can suck things into them and then rolling the dice spits those items back out. You could also just press the button on the one pip side of the dice to release any items contained within. However, the dice can only contain one type of item at a time, so you can't store a tv inside a blue die and then add the tv's remote into it too. Once you put a tv into the dice, then the only other thing you can add to the dice is another tv. The item in the dice can be different as long as the dice has no items in it at the time.

The stranger absorbed the emerald into the blue dice and took out another blue dice and pressed the button on the one pip side and a gem the same size and colour then the one he absorbed appeared in the case. The only difference was this gemstone wasn't a gemstone, but glass. It was a fake.

The stranger closed the case. The stranger then made a run for it. The backup alarm finally rang out and the stranger was already running through the entryway of the museum. By the time Percy jogged back to the case, with a half-eaten bacon and egg sandwich in his left hand and his torch shining in his right hand, the culprit was already long gone.

He noticed that the electrical panel that held the wires to the main alarm was ajar. It was in the corner, not just anyone could see it. Even though it was dark, Percy raised his eyebrow in suspicion. He placed his torch atop the box and quickly finished off his sandwich. He cleaned his hands with some wipes he always kept in his front left pants pocket.

He opened the panel and turned back on the main alarm, but the alarm didn't stop. He went over to the light switch on the other side of the room and turned on the lights.

He then went over to examine the case and discovered why the alarm was still blaring. The bolt was very damaged, cut into too. The damage was as clear as day. The main alarm must have detected that the bolt was cut in two. Percy sighed and went to the surveillance room and entered a computer that was so old that it could be used as a display in the caveman exhibit room.

After the computer looked over the report, which took two minutes, the alarm finally stopped, and a message appeared on the screen in bright green letters. 'Thank you, report accepted' the message on the screen read.

Percy opened a closet and withdrew a 'Mr. Clarance co.' Folding chair. Mr. Alfred Clarance had the master class ability, and used it to construct some of the strongest items known to man. This chair was both robust and very comfortable. Percy decided that if he had to wait in the gems and rocks exhibit then he mays as well be waiting comfortably.