A Crime Scene in a Beat-up Shipping Crate

Daniel's Office, EPD, Everleason, Cascoss, 12:55 PM

Daniel was sorting out some of the day's paperwork, when a heard someone knocking hastily on the door.

Daniel looked to his side, and he could see Damien shrugging at him through the glass panel on the door that joined the two offices together. Not even Damien knew who could have been knocking on Daniel's door at this time or this hastily.

Daniel walked to the door and opened if to see the face of Lieutenant William Storm. He held up a piece of paper that informed of the murder that just took place at the circus.

"Hello, Bill, you seem excited." Daniel noted.

"That's because this is a hot one, my business is investing crimes where a known criminal is involved in some way." Bill replied and walked over to Daniel's desk to slam down the paper.

"Known criminal? You don't mean to say that you have already identified the killer in about 25 minutes?" Daniel stated with a tone of amusement in his voice.

"What, no. Not even the grand commissioner, August Jaylord, rank 3, can solve a case that fast, and he is the best of the best." Bill laughed. "I'm talking about the circus MC."

"The ringmaster? You're talking about Laurance Carlos, right?" Daniel stated.

"Is there another MC of Carlos Circus that you know about and forgot to inform me? You know how much I like clowns." Bill retorted with a slight sarcastic tone.

"I do believe I have heard of him, he got in trouble with the anti-corruption board last year for not paying his staff enough, not providing a free food option and not having a bathroom cleaning schedule. He had to pay $600,000 in Rhombodian's international currency and spend 5 months in prison."

"Well, jeepers, I didn't know you were going to delve into his life story."

"So, you're only intrigued because he's an ex-convict? Do you think he's guilty?"

"Quite the contrary. His conviction was in Everleason prison. The statistics show that no one who has finished their sentence at Everleason prison has committed a second crime, excluding of course self-defence cases."

"So, you want to prove the success rate of the prison by helping to prove this guy is innocent?"

"Yes. There's nothing worse than when a great establishment is ruined. My favourite pasta place closed down for a month after 12 parties of entitled people gave 1-star reviews."

"Franco's? I love that place."

"We can get food later. Come on Daniel, let's go solve this mystery."

"Are you sure you want me? There are other, equally good detectives in this office."

"Well, I picked you. You should be honoured, seeing as I am the lieutenant around here."

Daniel nodded. "Very well. I have to get my steps in somehow."

Bill laughed. "That's a good one."

"Yes. People sometimes think I'm too serious for humour. I have 4 children; my jokes aren't going to run out for a while yet."

Daniel and Bill made their way out of the station and to Bill's car. Daniel saw much dust inside and the exterior wasn't as immaculate as he hoped. There was also about three days of fast-food rubbish in the car.

"Sorry about the mess Daniel." Bill relayed. "Your vehicle becomes a second office when you get to my rank."

"I think you're the only one that suffers that issue, as all the others I have ridden along with keep their cars quire clean."

"Well, Mr fancy pants, husband of the Everstone matriarch and Godfather of what used to be one of the most powerful and fearmongering crime syndicates on our planet. We can't all have our cars look like they had just come out of the shop 25/7."

"I didn't mean to offend you. But at least I know you feel passionately about the class disparity."

Bill nodded and began the drive down to the Circus.

Carlos Circus south entry, 1:11 P.M

Daniel picked up as much as the junk food mess as he could as Bill locked up the car. Bill gave Daniel a slight angry stare.

"What's the matter Bill?" Daniel inquired while holding a stack of rubbish that reached his forehead.

"You know I could have taken care of that myself." Bill relayed.

Daniel crunched the stack down with as much strength as he could muster. "Well, I don't wish to ride in a dirty car again."

Bill smiled and shook his head. "At least let me carry some of that, it is supposed to be my responsibility." Bill stated and took some of the stack.

"Thank you. You know I have heard whispers about you." Daniel added.

"Do you trust everything your ears hear?"

"Well, they are distant whispers, I'm not sure what people are actually saying."

"Well, if it's bad, then it's wrong, if it's good it's probably true."

Dan and Bill arrived at a trash can and discarded the refuse.

A Muslim EPD officer, Abraham Aziz, was awaiting them at the gates. He had a gorgeous brown beard, and short dark hair. His skin was the darkest you could expect from a Muslim and his eyes were the same colour as the skin of a hazelnut.

"Abraham, anything to report?" Daniel inquired.

"Yes." He replied in a deep voice, his accent was only half as heavy as one you would hear from a true Israelite. "The victim has been identified as a man by the name as Kyle Kelvin, an Ascossian from Violet Hill. He was slain with one of the blades that came from the sword eater's tent."

"What did dear Massimiliano Marchetti have to say?" Bill inquired.

"Arbane Court is talking with him as we speak." Abraham added, he gave Bill a bit of an angry stare.

"Very well, we'll met with them later, would you kindly lead us to the crime scene?" Daniel asked.

Abraham led on and Dan and Bill followed him.

"I couldn't help but notice that he seems to have some bad blood toward you." Daniel whispered to Bill.

"Well, I did tell him that I was going to keep an Eye on him and another officer name Isaac a few years back. Got a first warning." Bill replied.

"Ah, you must be referring to the holy bible. That was a bad move." Dan relayed.

"Yes, and I still have not forgiven him for his atrocities and my God won't forgive him either." Abraham interjected.

"I see you have greater hearing than I anticipated. But fret not, for I will never refer to the atrocity that took place in the bible just because you name happens to be the same as one of the people in that specific story." Daniel relayed.

"Thank you for your restrained." Abraham stated, "now if you look, you can see we have arrived." He stated and bowed toward the shipping container.

"This old, dented thing is the crime scene?" Daniel inquired. "It's so old and rusted, it's hard to imagine that it has seen better days."

"But isn't it the inside that counts?" Abraham asked.

"Oh, I'm well aware to not judge a book by its cover, but I wish to know why the circus master would want to keep the exterior in such a state."

"If you must know Doctor," stated a dark voice from the now permanently open door to the interior of the container. "It's so that nobody would guess that this is where I keep all my money. Usually thieves trying to get a hold of my cash are caught at my office, there's only a few pennies in there."

There was no question as to who this was. It was none other than Laurance Carlos. He was 159cm tall with black hair slightly visible under his large black and shiny top hat. He wore a red jacket and the right sleeve had a plastic bit which you can see through right to his hairy arm where you could see a tattoo of when he entered and was subsequently released from Everleason prison. He wore a titanium white shirt beneath the ringleader jacket and he had long black pants held up by a belt with a titanium buckle.

"You must be Laurance. I have heard a lot about you." Daniel stated.

"I wonder if I have heard more about you, Dr Smith, then you have heard about me?" Laurance stated with a laugh.

"Amusing." Daniel stated.

"Oh I know. That joke kills every time. Oh sorry, phrasing." Laurance stated, giving himself a slap in the face.

"I do hope you didn't do it Laurance." Bill stated. "I would hate to tell FORMAL that they would have to change the Everleason Prison success rate.

"What do you care. I heard your name getting thrown around a lot in there." Laurance stated. "Besides, I've learnt my lesson. If there were any prison I wouldn't want to get incarcerated into again, it's Everleason prison. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time in there, but it reflects reality."

"I've heard it all." Daniel added. "It's a prison with its own currency system, where the more chores you do the more money you get. I've got to say, even though that idea isn't sound at first, its practical uses are astonishing."

"So the blade used was from the sword swallowing stand?" Bill asked.

"Yeah. But also, the killer must have known they were killing a powered person." Laurance added.

"How can you be sure?" Daniel inquired.

"A man like you should be able to see that I have created some minute differences between the blades I gave to my sword swallower to swallow. The blade at the scene was one that contained Phynéstone."

"The anti-ability metal that disables powers? Wait, you said minute differences." Dan stated.

"Yes, I know how it looks. It makes me look guilty. But I swear I didn't kill Kyle. He was one of the best guards I had. You can check with the insurance company itself. The amount of money I would have gotten is much less than the amount of money that is still in the vault." Laurance replied.

"Ah yes, I have heard that same thing before from another innocent person who had something stolen from them. Except in that case there was no dead bodies associated with that case." Daniel added. "Would you mind giving me that number so I can look up on it later?"

"Do you have something to write it down on?"

"Not that it matters if I didn't." Dan stated gathering a pen and paper from his teal coat. "Because the microphone in my tie records everything you say."

Laurance walks closer to Dan and spoke the telephone number. Hoping that when Daniel later listens to the recording, everything will be crystal clear.

"Are you the only person who knows about the differences between blades that contained Phynéstone and those that don't?" Daniel inquired.

"Well, the sword swallower and I are the only two people I am aware know about the differences." Laurance stated with confidence.

"What about the others?"


"Surely you had another sword swallower in your circus before? Your father ran this place when you were born, and you are in your 40s."

"Ho! Ho! You've done your homework, I see. Yes, there has been prior performers that took on that position, but I asked them to have their memories erased of the differences. Not sure if they went through with it or not. But then again, why would they steal just the treasure? There was way more value in the actual cash wads, and they are lighter too. Also, the names Laurance, so don't call me Shirley."

"Oh, I love that movie, my children watch it every now and then. My youngest watches it every month." Dan chuckled.

"I'm glad you have watched it; the reference may have been lost on some people." Laurance stated and gave Bill a stare.

"Bill, you have never watched Airplane!?" Daniel inquired.

"I have watched planes departure waiting for my plane to begin boarding, but I have never watched any movie called Airplane! What, was I supposed to?" Bill retorted.

"Nevertheless, I would like you guys to clean this up as fast as you can." Laurance added as fast as he could speak without been misunderstood.

"Why?" Bill inquired. "Are you afraid that some circus goer is going to come down the dingy, trash littered, awful smelling, faeces-covered path to visit an old warn out and heavily dented shipping container?"

"There is one particular person I know might make the journey and he may be disappointed that the items that I was holding for his father had been taken. I would like the valuables and the one who stile them located. NOW!" Laurance explained.

"Prince Emmett Palarock is here?" Daniel asked.

"He is indeed." Laurance stated. "Have you heard of him?"

"Heard of him? I know about the tragedy that befall his mother about a month ago." Daniel stated.

"Yeah, so solve this case so I can clean things up before he comes to check out the state of the interior of my shipping container." Laurance announced.

Dan and Bill nodded in unison and entered the shipping container at last. A gold haired man was in the corner on the same side of the entry. His blue eyes shone in the lack of light and he was wearing several shades of gold, and he was holding a golden staff embroidered with images from another realm. There was a round onyx stone on the top of the staff. Daniel and Bill examined the body.

"Hmm." Dan stated as he looked at the wound and the blood splatter. "When he was sliced, he was standing, and the killer sliced him from his lower left diagonally to the right."

"Yes, the blood spreads upwards in an arch-like pattern, and there is a dent on the metal pillar." Bill replied, feeling at the dent in the pillar he was referring to. "I bet the door was open when this happened."

Dan looked at the now closed door. "I think you might be right. Excuse me, William, would you mind?" Daniel asked looking at the wizard.

"Mind doing what exactly?" William Wilizard inquired.

"Mr Wilizard, I require help getting this man to be standing in the position he was in when he was killed, would that be an imposition on you?" Daniel asked in a polite tone.

"Such a feeble thing is nothing in the eye of a rank ten. Sorry, I have memories of a life where I was raised rich and spoiled, please forgive my wording. As I was saying, such a feat is no issue for me, so I am happy to help." Mr Wilizard relayed and suddenly some golden sand came from William's staff and the sand lifted the lifeless body up.

"Is this how the victim looked when he was slain?" Dan inquired.

"This is the best believed position he was in when his life was taken." William stated. "We looked over the last bit of footage that camera..." he pointed at a camera above the door. "Recorded. When it cut out, he was standing in the same place and in the same way as the sand guides."

"So, he was standing in front of the door, just far right enough to allow people of our slimness to pass but not too far right that he was no longer in front of the door. If he was indeed sliced in this position and the door was closed, then the door should show damage. Since there is no damage to the door then it must have been open." Daniel stated.

Bill nodded. "Hey, look at that, I was right. Pretty spot on, right triple W?"

"Why ask me? I am just a wizard. I don't know much about your field of work." William interjected.

Daniel looked at the blade. A look of interest fell upon his face, he looked closely at the scratch that Bill noted. "Bill, don't you think there is something odd about this scratch?"

"It's the result of the victim being killed, how is it odd?"

"Look closer, don't you see the phynéstone powder?"

Bill examined the scratch closer. "Laurance, get in here."

"Yes?" Laurance inquired.

"You said the sword is mixed." Bill stated.

"I did, yes." Laurance relayed.

"So, it shouldn't leave any traces of the phynéstone within it."

"Are you a school kid? When phynéstone is mixed with other metals it is no longer brittle and only leaves a trace if the alloy it is mixed with also leaves a trace. Didn't you take Rhombodian chemistry 101?" Laurance added in a ranting way.

"So, then, the killer got lucky." Dan relayed.

"What am I missing Daniel?" Laurance asked.

"I know the other officers have been hard on you, but would you mind taking a look at the edge of your 'phynéstone' sword." Daniel stated. Presenting the sword but not letting Laurance touch it.

"My word, there's phynéstone affixed to the edge of this sword. Why is that there? It already contains phynéstone." Laurance stated with shock.

"Maybe the killer didn't know the sword contained phynéstone after all." Bill added.

Daniel nodded. "I think I can agree with that." He stated and placed the sword neatly back where he found it. "Would you happen to have an inventory of what was contained behind this door?"

"But of course. I have to be more stringent about these things. I do the books myself so that there is no corruption. I count every penny..." Laurance explained.

"Get on with it." Bill interrupted.

"Right." Laurance stated. He then put on a pair of gloves. "Did you dust the handle?"

"Although we've already concluded that the door was open during the victim's demise, it's never a bad idea to have everything covered." Daniel stated. He took out his forensics kit and dusted the door and Bill took detailed photos of each print.

"Are you sure you don't need to use tape to collect them?" Laurance asked with concern.

"That's an Earth method. We can recreate every tiny detail of a print from a photo here on Rhombodian." Bill laughed.

"You're clear to open it now." Daniel relayed and Laurance opened the door and went inside. Being careful to not step in the almost completely dry blood or mess up the shoe prints on the floor. He took a document from a filing cabinet and carefully made his way back.

"Good job not walking where a woman walked." Bill joked.

"Yes, the way those shoe prints are shaped do suggest that someone wearing heals walked through the victim's blood to get whatever was contained in that chest." Daniel relayed.

"The prince wears wooden shoes with heels to make him look taller." Laurance relayed without a second thought. "Anyway, here's what you are looking for." Laurance gave Daniel a list of each gold coin, piece of jewellery and gemstone that the chest contained. It even had a key in it that was no longer in the chest.

"Thank you, Laurance." Daniel stated.

Suddenly Abraham was yelling out and rushing toward them like a lion in the middle of a chase.

"What is it, Abe? Is something the matter?" Dan inquired.

"I would prefer it if you used my full name." Abraham stated while panting. "Someone found an emerald."

Dan looked at the manifest. "Is it on this list?" Daniel inquired, presenting it to Abraham.

"Yes." Abraham quickly stated.

"Good, let's get this person." Bill relayed, rubbing his hands together.

"No, sir, you don't understand the problem."

"What's the problem Abraham?" Daniel inquired.

"The man who found the emerald has never visited the circus before today."