The Body

Carvaladis Avenue, South Everleason, Cascoss, Ascossian, Rhombodian, 4:00 A.M

Brian Ravage was a homeless man. He was cold and hungry. He was seeking salvation. The sound of a steam engine could be heard in the distance as it approached Yesterville station, the third stop along the old station railroad. Brian was on the south border of the main city area. South of him were suburban areas which were controlled by Darkrun. Yesterville was not one of the suburbs in question as the area designated as the Yesterville suburb was east of Brian's location.

Brian kept walking until he finally spotted somebody. An officer of the EPD. Strange thing about this fellow that Brian spotted was that his badge's display was glitched and the officer was hidden in the darkness. From what little Brian could see of this man was the fact he was male. His chest was flatter than a pancake after an appointment with a hydraulic press. His hair was short, and Brian would soon confirm his suspicions.

"Excuse me?" Brian inquired with a severally groggy voice. He was parched, hungry and exhausted. He sounded as so. "I need help. I can't find my way around at this time. Please help me."

"You want to go to the homeless shelter?" The officer replied. His voice was deep and slightly distorted by the thick scarf that he wore over his mouth. There was no doubt about it. The voice Brian heard was masculine. The officer was definitely a male.

Brian nodded and the officer pointed down a dark alleyway. Brian nodded and the officer then vanished like a phantom. It was creepy and eerie, and Brian wondered if the man he met was real, or was it a delusion caused by his fatigue, hunger and thirst?

Brian walked down the alley way. There was a distance of about 4.9 meters between the buildings either side of the alley. Big enough that Daniel could parallel park his scarlet vehicle between the buildings with a bit of room to spare.

Brian was so laser focused on finding shelter that he kept his eyes up and away from the ground. He was dizzy and fatigued. He desperately needed food in his belly and a pillow on which to lay his heavy head. He didn't even notice a dead man on the floor until he tripped and fell right atop of the dead man.

Brian looked at what he fell onto and woke up. He was no longer dizzy or fatigued. He was stunned. He didn't feel too much shock. But he noticed the blade in the body's chest and he got up and searched for the officer he ran into. But that man was nowhere to be seen. So he searched for someone to call the police and report the body.

But who was the man found laying dead in the alley? It was none other than constable Vincent Marlow of the Everleson Police Department. He was laying with his body facing skyward with a thin sharp blade protruding from his chest.