Ch. 29

(Hey guys, I just recovered, so here's a chapter for y'all)


(This might be my worse chapter since I have no idea about dating stuff.)


In the morning, a piece of news caused a sensation around Japan, it is about Kenji's Guild registration.

Many hunters were lining up to join his guild, even some bigshots like S-rank hunter Goto Ryuji who hasn't created his guild yet, so he could be called a solo hunter.

While Kenji was causing sensations around the world, our dear protagonist was oblivious to what was happening and currently preparing himself for their date.

Although this is not their first date, Kenji will make sure that this date will be the best date ever for them.

As for their first date? Well, it could be called a failure since, first of all, it was that time when Kenji's parents doesn't know about them being a couple so they had to hide their identities to not get caught by some paparazzi.

And lastly, a dungeon outbreak occurs just near the restaurant where they were dining in, so the date was canceled and Kenji have to clear the dungeon.

Kenji hopes that this time, no dungeon breaks occur since he had already planned this date overnight.

Since ladies like to shop first, then the first place that they will visit is a shopping mall.

Whatever Kanae wants, Kenji will buy it, even if it is a car or a house.

After their shopping spree, they'll have dinner at Ise Sueyoshi in Tokyo, Minato city.

(A/N: Gahhh!! I don't know any of this, I'm not experienced in this field so I'll just blabber some things that I watched in some movies or animes.)

Once that's done, they'll visit a theme park to rest and watch the scenery.

Then, they'll visit an aquarium to watch some fish or dolphins or whatever.

And finally, once the date is done, it is finally time for a kiss.

Kenji then focused on fixing his suit which consists of a full black long sleeve that hugs his muscular body and black tight jeans and black sneakers.

Looking at the mirror, Kenji smiles to himself and thanked whoever reincarnated him for giving him such good looks.

Once he was done, he went out of his room, and went downstairs and finally saw Kanae, who was very beautiful at the moment, she was currently wearing a red dress on her top while revealing her shoulders and at the same time showing her tattoos and a black skirt with 3 pairs of white buttons on the front.

Kenji smiles at her and she smiles back, "You're beautiful." Kenji said with a warm smile while Kanae blushed at his remarks and complimented him back, "You're also handsome in that suit, Ken-chan."

Kenji felt happy while at the same time, he was afraid that this date might not go as exactly as he planned.

So that's why he decided to add a bit of a surprise for her at the end of their date.

Kenji then held Kanae's hand who smiled at him and they both went to the garage.

Inside, they both went to his black Drako GTE car, and as a gentleman, he opens the door for her which makes her smile, and went inside.

Once he closed the door, he also went inside the car and slowly drove off.

First things first, he drove to a shopping mall. He first parked the car and they both went inside, side by side with their hands holding each other.

The first place that they went to was not surprisingly a clothing store, where Kanae tried different kinds of outfits which Kenji immediately bought since, for him, almost every clothes in the store looks good on her.

Although Kanae tried refusing at first but seeing that Kenji keeps on insisting, she finally sighed and surrendered at the end, the manager even gave them an exclusive card where they can buy everything in the store at 40% off, the next time they visit.

After that, they went to an accessories store where Kanae bought him a brand new watch. Although he has many expensive watches at home, there is nothing more expensive when it is given by the one you love.

So Kenji decided to wear this watch every day than the expensive watches he has at home.

Soon, after a few hours of shopping. Kenji noticed that Kanae was getting hungry, so they went to a restaurant called Ise Sueyoshi in Tokyo.

It was then that Kenji noticed another side of Kanae, a gluttonous one. Kenji stared at the stack of plates on the table.

Meanwhile, Kanae just kept eating and eating until finally, Kenji cannot take it anymore and asked, "Kanae, am I not feeding you enough?"

Kanae stopped eating and stared at him in confusion while her mouth is full then she shook her head and went back to eating.


In the end, Kanae slurped her noodles and finally leaned on her chair in pleasure while patting her stomach.

Kenji stared at Kanae's stomach and saw no bulge in it making him look at her in wonder, wondering where did all the food she ate go.

Kanae then noticed that Kenji was staring at her stomach and blushed in shyness.

"D-don't stare at my tummy like that." She used her hands to hide her abdomen and looked away in a blush.

Kenji just scratched the back of his head and said, "Ah! Sorry about that, I just thought that you look cute when you eat.", hearing what Kenji said, Kanae mentally noted to herself to always eat in front of Kenji.

After eating, Kenji then proceeded to go to a park where they could see some kids playing while their parents sitting on some benches.

Although there is one little problem.

"Look! It's Superman!" A kid pointed out to him and soon he was discovered by everyone in the park who immediately rushed to him either for a picture or an autograph.

When Kanae and Kenji saw this, they tightened their grip on each other's hands and run away from the park, they didn't even manage to enjoy the scenery

Once they arrived in an alley, Kenji and Kanae smiled at each other at how fun this date is becoming.

"I should have put on some disguise," Kenji muttered to himself.

The reason why he didn't disguise himself was to announce to the world that he's already taken and dating Kanae.

Kenji can already imagine his fan club going crazy on the internet.


(Gimme some stonezzzz~)

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500 Power stones - 1 Bonus Chapter

1000 Power stones - 2 Bonus Chapters