Ch. 30

(200 Stones this week, and I'll post an extra chapter.)


"Hey, you! Give me all yer wallets!" Because they both were in a dark alley, it's pretty obvious that they'll be mugged since crimes were sometimes committed in a dark alley.

Kenji also knows this, after all, he is a hero, almost every criminal he sent to jail or killed always commits their crimes in a dark alley.

"Hey! Are you deaf! I said give me all yer walle-!" The grumpy man didn't even manage to finish his sentence when suddenly, Kenji disappeared and appeared in front of him with both of his hands holding his and with Kenji's grip.


"GAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" The man yelled with his everything due to the extreme pain he was feeling right now.

Both of his hands were broken with bones sticking out of his wrist and his nails were bleeding profusely.

It is not wrong to say that the man will never be able to masturbate again.

Although he is a bit harsh, Kenji knew that this could be called a lesson for criminals.

Without pain, people won't change. Pain can be a fuel for people to change.

After crying in pain for a few seconds, the man slowly raised his head while snot and tears were dripping out of his face.

Kenji coldly looked at him back and said, "If I still see you committing crimes again, I promised you that you'll feel something more painful than that." He then turns around and held Kanae's hand before walking away from the dark alley, leaving the man crying on his knees while cursing himself for encountering a monster, and finally deciding to change himself for the better good.

Back to Kenji, he was quietly walking with Kanae while waiting for Kanae's reaction to what he did earlier.

Kenji saw Kanae opens her mouth and Kenji then braced himself.

"You were so cool back there." Kanae giggles when she saw Kenji sighing in relief after hearing what she said.

"Do I?" Kenji asks in confirmation.

Kanae nodded immediately, she isn't lying when she said that, he looked cool earlier especially that cold look he casts.

When she saw his cold face, it gives her a vision of Kenji standing atop countless corpses with his glowing red eyes menacingly and coldly staring down upon the world. Not gonna lie, it makes her wet.

"...nae? Kanae?" Kanae seems to wake up from her dreams and saw Kenji looking at her worriedly.

"Are you okay? You're not responding for almost a minute. What were you thinking?" Kenji asks her in a worried tone.

Kanae felt warm at seeing Kenji's worried face and shook her head, "Nothing, I was just thinking about our future."

Although Kenji was still worried, he was also a bit interested in what will their future be.

Perhaps an ordinary family will be fine, but thinking about the Rulers and Monarchs forced him to abandon these thoughts.

Even though he knew that having an ordinary family is almost impossible, it doesn't hurt to try right?

"We're here," Kenji said to Kanae while looking at the building in front of them.

Kanae followed where he is looking and nodded at the sight of a blue-colored huge building.

"Let's go inside."

Soon, Kenji and Kanae were finally inside, touring around while watching some aquatic animals swimming in the water.

"Woahh!" Kanae marveled at the sight of dolphins doing a backflip in the water.

Then there were also some goldfish, Crabs, and many more that makes her smile.

Meanwhile, Kenji was staring at Kanae smiling instead of the fish.

For him, this image is more beautiful than any other. Such a perfect smile perfectly fits her beauty.

Kanae caught Kenji looking at her and confusedly asks, "Is there something on my face?" She touched her face and tries to feel it if there was something wrong.

Kenji shakes his head and said, "Nothing, just a beautiful smile.", Kanae cringed at his pick-up line but still gave her a pleasant feeling in her heart.

"Geez~, you're so cringy! How about we take a look inside there!" Kanae tries to hide her blush by diverting the topic and pointing at a random door in excitement.

But who is Kenji? His eyes are sharper than an eagle so he caught her blush but since it might make her embarrassed, he just decided to ignore it and looked at where she pointed to.

"Uhm, Kanae, That's a restroom." Kenji scratched his cheek and said to her.

This time, Kanae didn't manage to hide her blush anymore and just hid her face on Kenji's arm, who chuckled at seeing her cute reaction.

Soon, Kanae recovered from her embarrassment and they both enjoyed their date as usual.

To be honest, this is the first time they both enjoyed a date, after all, since they've become a couple they only had 2 dates.

The first one, they didn't enjoy since both of them were too nervous. And the second one, although they're not nervous anymore, a dungeon outbreak ruined their date.

So this is their 3rd date and Kenji swore that he'll make this date the perfect one.

Although it was almost ruined by the mugger earlier, Kenji could still fix this.

Soon, they both toured the whole aquarium, and they grew bored of the place, so it was time to end the date.

Although both of them were sad that their date will finally end, they could still have more dates in the future.

It was already dark when they went outside and found their car in the parking lot.

Kenji smirks when he noticed that they were a lot of faded fingerprints on the car. He was already used to this since these fingerprints mean that some people decided to have a picture with his car.

This was common for those who own supercars.

Kenji went to the passenger side and opens the door for Kanae like a gentleman.

Kanae smiles and kissed him on the cheek before sitting inside the car.

Kenji grins in happiness and closed the door before rushing to the driver's seat and sitting inside.

The car's engine roared and drove away from the lot.

Because it was already night, it just took him a few minutes before reaching their home,

Kenji repeats what he did earlier and opens the door for Kanae to go out.

Once she was out, she turns around and smiled at Kenji and said, "I just wanted to thank you for this date, I know how you went beyond for our date tonight and I wanted to say that this is the best date I've ever had. Thank you." After saying that, Kanae went forward and placed her lips to his and everything quieted down, leaving only their breathing sounds.

10 seconds later, their lips separated leaving a bridge of their saliva, before looking at each other with loving eyes.

Although the kiss was just 10 seconds, to him, that kiss felt like years.

This may not be their first kiss, since they have kissed back then, but they're not gonna lie that this was the best kiss they had in their entire life.


(Send a GIF of cringe here because the chapter is cringe.)

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250 Power stones - 1 Bonus Chapter

500 Power stones - 2 Bonus Chapters