Ch. 42

For a whole 2 hours, Kenji and Kanae kept fighting until all the weapons in the gym were destroyed by Kenji.

Not only that, but Kanae was also exhausted already, so Kenji brought her to the bathroom to take a bath and rest.

But when they both went outside after another hour, Kanae was limping while using Kenji as her assistant in walking.

'It was fun.' Kenji chuckled in his mind. Not gonna lie, he's getting addicted to 'playing' with Kanae.

When they were young, they used to play with toys with each other but now they played each other.

After their fun, Kenji brought Kanae to their bedroom so she can rest and 'heal' from their battle.

Kenji estimated that she'll heal in less than 30 minutes since that's how mana works in the body, but Kanae is different, she's a vessel of a Ruler, so she could heal in less than 30 minutes, unlike other mages that heal in an hour.

"I'll be going now. I'll meet with Gun-Hee." Kenji told her before kissing her on her lips as a goodbye.

"Take care..." Kanae smiled and said.

Kenji nodded and smiled before going out of the house and into the garage.

The same old black Drako GTE was sitting there.

Soon, Kenji went on his ride before driving off the garage.

'I think I'll eat some pizza first.' Kenji thought before driving to a nearby Domino's.

But first thing first, he wears a black face mask a black car, and sunglasses before walking towards Domino's.

If he's gonna choose between Domino's and Pizza hut, then he'll certainly choose Domino's. Change my mind.

Let's skip this part.

So Kenji ordered 2 boxes of pizza before eating them in the car while driving.

Soon, he finished them at the same time as he arrived in the airport. Exactly where his private plane is.

It's not like he's tired of flying, but he just wanted to enjoy the wealthy life he was given.

Once he's aboard, he played some games on his phone. There are many games in this world but almost 80% of them, focus on Hunters V.S Monsters.

To his surprise, he was also included in the games, he's an SSR character by the way.

Before he knew it, his plane already landed at the Japanese Airport.


Getting off his plane, he was greeted by the sight of the sun shining on him, while flashes of cameras were flashing in front of his vision.

"Sir! Sir! Could you tell us the purpose of your visit? Are here to finish the S-rank in Jeju Island." One of the reporters gathered courage and ran up to him to ask the question.

'Now that I remember it, I didn't finish the dungeon because I was too focused on saving Kanae.' A look of realization appeared on his face before recovering.

"I'm only here to have a meeting with Go Gun-Her. As for the S-rank Gate in Jeju Island, I'll see what I can do." Kenji handled the reporters well before proceeding to escape the crowd.

"Sir! Sir!" More and more reporters tried to ask questions but Kenji ignored them before boarding a limo.

"Let's go," Kenji told the driver, who nodded before revving the engine.

Kenji could see that some reporters tried to follow behind, but they were only normal humans, so they didn't catched up.

"Am I really that famous?" Kenji muttered under his breath.

By the time, Kenji was finished contemplating his fame, they'd finally arrived at the Korean Hunters Association Headquarters.

But before Kenji could step inside, the driver shyly asks him for an autograph, because his daughter was a fan of him.

Of course, Kenji wasn't a rude guy, so he nodded and signed a pink shirt that the driver pulled out of the driver's seat.

Once that was done, Kenji finally stepped inside and saw the lady behind the desk nodding at him.

"This way sir." The lady gestured for him to follow her.

Kenji did and soon they arrived inside an office, where Kenji could see an old man with a kind smile sitting behind a desk.


The lady has left, leaving only Kenji and Go Gun-Hee, sitting on a couch, facing against each other.

"Would you like some tea?" Gun-Hee offered to him.

While Kenji kindly accepted, not caring if it is poisoned or not.

After sipping on his tea, he finally asks, "So, what's the reason for calling me for a meeting?"

Scratching the back of his head, "Well, I don't know how I should tell you this, but I have to confess something to you." Gun-Hee said.

Kenji frowns while thinking, 'Is he gay?'. Once he thought of this, he unconsciously covered his chest and crotch area.

Seeing the confusion, Gun-Hee immediately cleared up the misunderstanding.

"It's not like that. I just wanted to tell you something." Once clearing the misunderstanding, Gun-He sighed in relief before saying.

"What is it?" Kenji was curious about what this old man is up to.

"Well. You see, Kanae is my daughter." Gun-Hee immediately dropped a bomb, shocking even Kenji.

"She's your what?!?" Kenji lost his composure and asked Gun-Hee.

"Please calm down, Kenji-san. Yes, She's my daughter." Gun-Hee confirmed once again.

"If she's your daughter, then why did you buy milk?" Kenji asks.

"Well, I heard from a frien-, wait Is that what you're really asking now?" Gun-Hee was about to answer when he realized what he was asking him.

"Ehem, what I meant was why didn't you come back for her?" Kenji 'coughed' slightly before changing his question.

"I-I was afraid. Afraid that she'll reject me and treat me as if I'm not her father." Gun-Hee was tearing up when he said this.

"Well, you should expect that treatment after leaving her and her mother for 18 YEARS!" Kenji was a bit calm at first, but he lost his demeanor and shouted at him.

It's not Kenji's fault for being mad. Sometimes, He could feel Kanae craving for a father's love. A father's presence, for her to lean on.

Someone who could give her a piggyback when she was little. Someone who could teach her how to handle her bullies. Someone to relieve the burden of Shina(Kanae's mother).

If it wasn't for Kenji's family, Shina might have already died from extreme stress and depression, because of work.

It was only Shina's will and perseverance that they aren't living in the slums by now.

Realizing what he's done, Kenji collected himself before apologizing, "I'm sorry about that. I just lost my calm there."

"No. I deserved that. Thank you." Shaking his head, Gun-He said to him.

"Why did you even leave her and Shina-san?" Kenji finally asks the million-dollar question.

Getting serious, Gun-Hee leaned forwards and asked him, "Kenji-san, do you know about Monarchs and Rulers?"


[Just give your power stone to my other fanfic, thanks!]

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[Bonus Chapter if my other fanfic reach 200 stones.]