Ch. 43

Hearing what Gun-Hee just said, Kenji also got serious and leaned forward.

Seeing that Kenji was finally serious, Gun-Hee assumed that he already knows about Monarchs and Rulers.

"You see, I was chosen as a Ruler's Vessel, and then I moved here, far away from my family.." Gun-Hee said.

"Why?" With just one word, Kenji asked.

Gun-Hee was silent for a few seconds before sighing and speaking, "When the Rulers told about the Vessels of the Monarchs, I knew that the moment I gained this power, there has to be consequences. One of the possible consequences is the death of my family."

He then continued, "I was afraid that something bad will happen to Shina and Kanae when I became a Ruler's Vessel, that's why I distanced myself away from them. I can't stand the danger that I have that might affect them too. I wanted them to have a normal life. Away from the dangers of this world."

"But then, I received news about Kanae being your girlfriend." Once he said that the whole room has fallen silent, only the breathings of both Vessels can be heard.

"I'm not going against your relationship with her, I just hope that you will protect her, and let no harm come in her way." Gun-Hee was serious when he said that.

"I think you're too late for that," Kenji told him, which confused the old man.

"What do you mean?" Gun-Hee frowned and felt a bad feeling from this.

"She also became a Ruler's Vessel, like you." Kenji dropped a bomb, right on top of his head.

"S-S-She what!!?" Gun-Hee lost his calm when he heard Kenji.

After sacrificing everything he had, just for his family to have a normal life, only for it to be destroyed because a Ruler took his daughter as his Vessel.

Gun-Hee calms down soon after but is still a bit shocked by what happened.

Rubbing his temples, he asks, "Since when?"

Kenji answered that it was during her trip to Jeju Island.

Hearing his answer, Gun-Hee was now regretting allowing her to raid the S-rank Dungeon.

"There's no point crying over spilled milk, it already happened. So, what are you gonna do now?" Kenji said.

Gun-Hee seems to think for a few seconds before making up his mind.

"Distancing myself away from them to protect them is already thrown out of the box. I think I need to come back." Gun-Hee said while muttering the last sentence, which Kenji heard and smiled.

"I think you might need my help." Kenji smiled and said.

Gun-Hee nodded and said, "Yes, I need you he-." But he didn't manage to finish his sentence when Kenji cuts him off.

"What's in it for me?" Kenji said.

A tick mark appeared on Gun-Hee's forehead while saying, "Brat is that how you talk to your father-in-law!"

"Nope. I mean, not yet. Kanae still doesn't consider you her father, right? You should try to make up with them first." Drops and drops of knife kept stabbing Gun-Hee's heart, just hearing the words of Kenji.

"Alright, Alright. I'll try to make up for my mistakes." Gun-Hee sighed and said.

"When are you gonna do it?" Kenji asks.

"I think I'll go back home tomorrow. But before I go, I hope you could help me find someone to replace my position."

"You're retiring?"

"Not now. Maybe next year, I still have many things to settle while I'm still the Chairman." He said.

"Oh, and by the way, when are you gonna clear the Jeju Island, you know that island has been infested with different kinds of Monster Ants, and most of our S-ranks are dead because of it." He continued.

"I'll clear it tomorrow, I'll just call Kanae first." Kenji nodded and said.

Gun-Hee seems to become nervous when he heard that Kenji's going to chat with Kanae.

Meanwhile, Kenji, sensing Gun-Hee nervousness assured him, "Don't worry, I'm not planning to tell her yet, it's better if you tell her yourself."

Gun-Hee sighed in relief and nodded at his words. He wanted to be the one who tell Kanae and Shina the truth. Maybe only Kanae because there's no need to involve Shina, which only increases the danger.

Soon, Kenji was gone out of the room, leaving only Gun-Hee alone.

Back to Kenji, currently, he was nowhere on earth. Instead, he's flying toward the sun, to increase his strength.

He doesn't know what type of superman he is, whether Gold, Bronze, or Silver Superman.

So he wanted to know how much can his strength rise and know if he has limits or something.

He wished that he was Silver Superman, so he could just sneeze the Monarchs to death.

But then, he remembered his weakness against magic, which makes Kenji a bit nervous, facing the Monarchs.

Although he has his anti-magic Superman suit, he knows that it has its limits, so relying on such an item is not a good idea.

He needed to find another way for him to be immune to magic.

'Wait a minute.' Kenji seems to realized something.

'The stone.' Kenji continues.

During his time in the U.S. After defeating Kamish, the President gave him a blue glowing stone.

Kenji tries to look through it using his X-ray but it can't seem to detect anything bad.

So, Kenji just went home and kept it inside his closet, until he completely forgets about it.

"I wonder what that is... I think I should go and check it out after this." Kenji finally arrived in space, he could see the sun, moon, and stars, in their full glory.

He went on and flew towards the sun. And while he was flying towards it, he could feel once again, the strength the sunlight is giving him.

'This feeling never gets old.' He chuckled.

He was only staying in the sun, during his free time. So he kinda missed the feeling.

Then he remembered his past, during his childhood. All the memories he acquired ever since he reincarnated in this place.

While he already accepted Chikashi and Hana as his real parents, but that doesn't mean he'll forget his first parents.

He's not that ungrateful.


Please visit my p@treon to read 5 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www. p a

[extra chapter if my other fanfic reach 200 power stones.]