Ch. 71

"Me and your mom are going now, remember to have lunch!" Chikashi reminded them, as he prepared to leave.

Meanwhile, Hana just came in front of him and hugged dhim tightly before speaking, "I'm so proud of you!"

After that, they both left, leaving Kenji with Kanae.

They both chatted for a few minutes, before the door opened, and it reveals Jin-Ah and Jin-Woo with red puffed eyes, due to crying.

Then they both bowed towards him and said, "Thank you!"

Kenji didn't stop them, and nodded.

"I'm just doing my job." He said.

"M-may we ask on how much for the cure?" Jin-Ah shyly asked, if she wanted to repay something, then maybe they could afford the cure.

"It's 1 million dollars." However, Kenji's words dropped a nuke on their minds.

"O-one million!!" Jin-Woo can't help but feel despair, he can't even earn 50,000 won, not to mention 1 billion dollars, if it is converted to won, which is 1,423,790,000 Won. Something he can't even dream of earning.

Seeing their helpless and despair faces, Kenji could already guess why, so he immediately assured them.

"Please don't worry about the price, since your mother is the first person we tried it on, and it works, then you could consider it on the house." Kenji smiled and told them, making the siblings sigh in relief.

Once again, they bowed and expressed their gratitude, before Kenji and Kanae decided to leave and return to Gun-Hee's home.

However, they met someone on the entrance.

"Huff, are we late?" It turns out to be Baek, Choi, and Cha Hae-In who were now in the entrance.

"Where were you guys? And yes, the operation is succeful, it works. I'm planning on filing a patent on it once I'm back in Japan." Kenji told them, as the trio sighed in defeat, they wanted to watch the miracle themselves but it looks like they're too late.

"Well, I guess we'll just wait for the official release..." Baek sighed once again, and said his goodbyes, followed by Choi and Cha Hae-In.

Kenji just chuckled at their state, before holding Kanae's hands and flying back home.

And just like that a few months has passed, and the Akano family and Kanae decided to go back to Japan, as they needed to prepare for their marriage, and also so Kenji could finally patent his Senzu Beans.

He decided to register his Senzu Beans under his name, and his mother's pharmaceutical company, as he is also the 2nd highest shareholder of the company, courtesy of his skills and reputation.

He first kissed Kanae goodbye, before riding on his same favourite car.

Just like that, for the whole day, Kenji has to sign so many papers, until he finally got his Senzu Bean patented.

(A/N: I have no idea about businesses and such, so no hates please.)

Then, the next morning countless ads and videos, started circulating, about the Senzu Beans and it's ability to cure Eternal Slumber.

However, because it was too expensive, Kenji decided to make a 90% discount of it, for the next ten years, and once the time is up, it will change from 90% to 80%, so on and so forth.

So basically, in these 90 years, Senzu Beans will have a discount.

At first, the board members were having problems, after all, such a precious bean were being sold for such a cheap price in these 90 years, but Kenji could understand them, after all, they must have thought that the Senzu Beans's formula must be either expensive to create, or a very rare plant that could Kenji found in an S-rank dungeon.

However, Kenji refuted their assumptions by explaining that he somehow stumbled upon a cave that was full of it, and also explained that Senzu Beans could be planted and multiplied, however, the method of it's plantation is very strict and must be perfect according to the method.

Because of this, the board members started asking for the method, however, Kenji didn't even budge, some of them even threatens to spread the information, however, Kenji didn't care, after all, Senzu Beans can only be created by him or the actual creator of it, Korin.

After this, the board members were quiet, and it gave Kenji some space to promote the Senzu Beans. Though some people were skeptical about the beans, after all, such a thing not only has incredible healing capabilities, but it could also restore someone's mana and stamina.

Because of this, Kenji has to prove it to them by curing some famous politicians or celebrities, who fell into eternal slumber. Of course, Kenji charged them for that.

It's not like Kenji was hungry for money, if he wants he could just give the Senzu Beans for free, however, he knew that nothing is free from this world, he doesn't want to spoil them by giving away a free second chance in life.

So, for the next month, people were excited about the release of the Senzu Beans, however when they learned the price of it, some poor people were about to despair, but thankfully, Kenji implemented his plan of putting a discount of it for the next 90 years.

However, after it's release, the method that it could be planted and multiplied however, Kenji was the only one who knows the method of it, started spreading out, making people started planting the Senzu Beans, however, they just wasted money because it didn't work.

Kenji could already guess who did this, so that day, only two shareholders remained in his mother's pharmaceutical company, which is him and his mother.

Before the authorities could raise questions about this, Kenji showed them the papers that states that the shareholders sold their shares to to Kenji for a right price, and they're currently on their homes, bonding with their families.

Although they still investigated, but since there was no proof that Kenji forced them or something, they stepped back and closed the investigation.

Kenji doesn't care about them anymore, after all, he still has a marriage to prepare.

Kenji was in a room, wearing a red and blue tuxedo, and is currently staring at himself in the mirror.


(A/N: I have no fucking idea about marriage and such, so I'mma skip this to the lemon scene where they'll finally lose their virginity.)

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[Extra Chapter every 200 stones.]