Ch. 72 (Lemon)

(Like I said last chapter, I'm skipping the marriage and proceed to lemon scene where both would lose their V-cards. However, I have no experience on this, as your author is also a virgin.)


Inside a bedroom, two naked bodies were hugging each other, as they kissed, they are Kenji and Kanae, who just got married earlier.

"Hnnn." Kenji's slender and strong fingers were pistoning inside her pussy, as Kanae moaned.

"K-kenji!" Kanae was already sweating heavily at this point, as she moaned in ecstasy. She wanted to come soon, but Kenji held back, as he kept going, Kanae is getting really hot. "Kenji, please!"

But Kenji didn't seem very motivated. He just kept thrusting his finger in and out of her. Kanae could feel his member poking her stomach making her whimper.

"Please! I'm about to come!"

Kenji stopped for a while before he continued. As she felt her orgasm coming, she couldn't wait any longer, so she came all over his hand. Kenji smiled happily as he stared down at the beautiful woman in front of him Her body glistening with sweat, her mouth slightly agape, moaning like an animal. Kanae started panting lightly, as she closed her eyes and relaxed, while holding onto Kenji tightly. However.

"We're not done yet. We haven't reached the climax yet." Kenji whispered into her ear, as Kanae shivered and was about to surrender.

However, Kenji was faster and he immediately kissed her as he position her in a missionary position, with Kenji on top of her.

Kenji could feel her nipple poking his chest, as he alined his cock in her entrance, but first, he looked at her as he silently asked for permission.

Seeing his stare, Kanae nodded and prepared for the incoming pain.

Kenji smiled, and slowly pushed his cock inside her pussy, as Kanae felt her pussy stretching out, while she moaned in delight, blood trickled out of her pussy, signifying that Kenji took her first time.

They both were panting and sweating profusely; Kenji took one last look into her eyes before starting to move in and out of her body.




Both of their skins were sticking to each other as Kenji's hips were slamming into Kanae's supple butt.

"You're so beautiful!" Kenji said as he continued to thrust himself inside her.

She responded to his compliments by moving her hand to his face and stroking it as he continue to thrust into her.

The feeling was amazing; Kenji knew that if they continued like this, he would be unable to hold it anymore and will cum inside of her.

So with one last deep thrust, Kenji finally climaxed after an hour of continuous pistoning inside her.

At this moment, Kenji's cock penetrated her hole, as she moaned so loud, as she scratched Kenji back with all of her strength. If Kenji wasn't durable enough, then Kanae might have wounded him.

As their sex continued for hours, he barely sweated. The two laid down in their bed as they were finally done, and Kanae slowly fell asleep, on top of Kenji

Kenji watched as his wife sleep for a little while, admiring how beautiful she looked as she slept. He gently caressed her cheek and muttered, "How long have I waited for this moment."

Luckily, Kanae was already asleep, so she didn't hear his whisper, and soon, Kenji also fell asleep, both of their sweaty and sticky body, sticking to each other.

Morning came. The sunlight were peeking between the gaps of the curtains, spotlighting the 2 naked bodies on the bed.

The first one to wake up was Kenji, who opened his eyes slowly, and when he saw the naked body on top of him, he remembered what happened last night.

He didn't want to wake her up, so he carefully went out of the bed, and decided to cook breakfast for Kanae before she wakes up.

As he finished the last step of the pancakes, he realized that the only thing left was to get her up. And then they could eat their breakfast.

He place the pancakes on a plate and grabbed a syrup before walking back to the bedroom.

He saw that she had just woke up, and was looking at the red spot on the sheets.

He could even spot the red lush on her cheeks, as she must've realized what transpires last night.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Kenji didn't bother to knock and directly walked inside before placing the tray on the bed.

"I baked pancakes, let's eat." Kenji told her, as he helped her lean on the headboard.

He used knife to cut a piece of pancake and the fork to let her eat it.

Meanwhile, Kanae doesn't mind this one bit, in fact, she actually liked it, being pampered by her husband gives her a fluffy feeling inside her chest.

This continued for 10 minutes, before Kenji went downstairs to put the plates on the sink before coming back up.

However, what he didn't expect, was seeing Kanae place the blanket they used last night inside her cabinet.

"What are you doing? We should put it in the laundry." Kenji raised his eyebrow and said.

"No, we should keep it as a memento. The blanket where you took my virginity." Kanae shook her head and smiled.

"Well, your choice." Kenji just shrugged it off, he doesn't mind it, it's not a big deal anyway.

"Since the news of our marriage came out, countless reporters were swarming our place, luckily, I didn't forget to put some guards last night to guard our home from them." Kenji informed her, as he sat on the bed and they both cuddled.

"I'm also off work today, so no dungeon huntings for the rest of the day. Is there anything you want to do?" Kenji asked her.

"I don't think so. Do you?" Kanae asked in return.

A moment later, he was looking at his phone.

"There's a place called the Shiroku Kiyomizu that is open twenty minutes from here. We can drive over and maybe get something to eat." He suggested.

"But we just ate."

"Well, pancakes aren't enough to fill you up right?" Kenji said.

"Well, you filled me up last night, though" Kanae teased.

"What a naughty woman. Anyway, let's go?" Kenji pinched her cheeks before saying.

Kanae nodded and stood up. Kenji followed suit.

They walked out of the mansion and headed down to the garage, where they hopped on Kenji's car. The ride was uneventful and they made their way into the restaurant fairly quickly. Once seated, they each ordered a plate of food. It wasn't long before the waitress returned with their orders. The restaurant was small but well kept. The lighting seemed low enough to make it seem like dusk instead of noon. As soon as dinner ended, the two left the building. They were greeted by an afternoon drizzle. They began walking toward the parking lot, however, something suddenly happened.

Kenji felt an aura somewhere on Korea, not only that, but he could also feel that this aura was a bit familiar.

It's like a mix of a Ruler and a Monarch.

"Are you okay?" Kanae was worried for him, as he suddenly stopped on his tracks.

Kenji snapped away from his thoughts, and saw Kanae's worried face.

"Nothing, just a random thought came up on my mind." Kenji shook his head and said.

"Well, what is it?"

"I just remembered that you have a mole near your pussy, and I'm thinking of seeing it again tonight." Kenji smiled as he said that.

Kanae got bright red, before slapping Kenji to his arms, before walking quickly towards their ride.

Kenji just laughed it off, however, deep inside, he was contemplating on what was that aura.

'Looks like things would become a bit hectic.' Kenji thoughts to himself.


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[Extra Chapter every 200 stones.]