Ch. 73

The next morning, Kenji was scrolling through his phone, searching for something that will interest him.

"Assasination inside a dungeon in Korea? Interesting. I wonder how many this guy has assasinated already." Kenji muttered.

He went back to browsing, however, except for some dungeon related news, along with his famous Senzu Beans curing almost everyone in the world of Eternal Slumber, theres nothing much interesting anymore, so he closed his phone.

Kanae was doing a dungeon raid today, so he's all alone in the house.

There is also this feeling inside him, as if something big is about to happen, and he would be the center of this storm.

Not only that, Kenji could also feel that he's no longer getting strong from the sun, although it still gives him strength, it's too little for him to notice.

He doesn't know how strong he is right now, since he hasn't tested it yet, so he could only assume that he could beat the Frost and Beast Monarch without sweating a bit, which is a good improvement.

About his creation power, he found out another way to utilize it. Although he couldn't create anything related about living beings, with his wide imagination, also because he was inspired by Green Lantern, he replicated the green lantern's capabilities, which he calls Mana Construct.

He first studied everything about mana, so he knew that mana is everywhere, and can be used by those who have mana inside their bodies.

Since Kenji himself doesn't have mana, he used his creation to create his own version of mana, which is what he is using to create Constructs.

Kenji opened his hand, and a blueish transparent cicle appeared.

It kept changing shapes, from Circle, Triangle, Square and all the shapes he knew of.

He also constructed complex geometric shapes like icosahedron or dodecahedron, and many more.

Thanks to constant training, he could construct more complext things like a hammer, sword and even a Gatling gun, like how Hal Jordan did in the movie.

Aside from constructing mana, he also learned how to imbue his mana constructs to himself, so basically, he could wear armor anytime, and anywhere.

He hasn't exactly decided on the looks of his armor. He wanted it to be badass, while at the same time, it has a tinge of Superman's usual suit.

He's also thinking of creating it made up of nth metal, but he doesn't know what it is made of, so he scratched that for now.

Maybe he could study some sturdy materials here, like Kamish's scales and his teeth, and some strong monster's scales.

Maybe also study the armor of those Rulers or something.

As Kenji was thinking about his soon to be armor, a familiar presence appeared on his mind, as if trying to communicate with him.

Kenji knew who it is, so he let him in inside his head.

'Kenji, a big war is coming soon.' Kenji heard Caesar's voice before fading away.

'Caesar? Caesar where are you?' Kenji tried to call him back, however Caesar's presence is already gone from his mind, so he guessed that it must be a message instead of talking to Caesar himself.

"A war? What war?"

Kenji pondered about what Caesar said, if it is just a world war, then he could probably handle it just fine, but if it is-

Kenji widened his eyes in realization.

"Does he mean the war between Monarchs and Rulers? Have they decided to end it once and for all?"

He also guessed that the battlefield would obviously be this world, where he resides in.

"Fine, let them come."

Kenji grinned. Ever since his last battle with the monarchs, he has been itching off for another fight.

A fight that would surely cure his thirst for battle.

He stood up from his place, when he suddenly received a phone call from someone.

He picked up his phone and answered.

"Moshi Moshi, Kenji speaking."

"Good morning, Hunter Kenji, I'm special agent Adam White, Hunter Management Bureau, United States of America." The voice from the other side said to him.

"Hunter Management Bureau? Never heard of it."

"W-well, we aren't exactly that famous in Asia so that's probably why." The man stuttered slightly.

"Okay, and what is your business with me?" Kenji was getting impatient.

"I have information I would like to pass to you." This time, Adam seemed confident.

"What information?" Kenji asked.

"Probably no other country or organization on earth has this information, except us that is." Adam White mysteriously said.

"Then, why the fuck would you tell me then?" Kenji got annoyed by this mystery and shit, which is why he cursed.

"We stand to benefit in some way merely by passing information to a certain group of special people."

"Our deputy director himself wishes to meet you in person, exceptional circumstances, you must understand." Adam seemed confident still, as if he wasn't affected by Kenji's cursing earlier.

"Not interested bye." Kenji sighed and was about to put down the call.

"W-wait, please may I add. Upgrader." Kenji could almost sense that Adam seemed to smirk on the other side.

"What's that? One of Ben 10's alien collection?" Kenji almost chuckled.

"No no. Are you aware that there is a hunter that could elevate the abilities of our hunters?"

"Hoh, consider that you got my attention. Send me the address." Kenji said before putting the call down.

"Interesting, maybe this may help me in the upcoming war." Kenji leaned on the couch and relaxed, before receiving a message notification.

"Welp, let's go and fly up there." Kenji grabbed his phone before flying out of the house.

A few seconds later, he arrived at one of the buildings in America.

"This must be the place." Kenji mutters before going in.

He expected that he'll be stopped by the guard, but instead, he wasn't and there is a man in front of the entrance, who shook hands with him.

"I'm Adam White. This way please." Soon after that, Adam led Kenji to a room, where he was met with a man who smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you. Hunter Management Bereau, Deputy Director, Michael Conner." Michael greeted him.

"Akano Kenji." Kenji didn't shy away and introduced himself.

"I'll handle the interpretation." Adam said however, he was stopped by Kenji.

"No need, I could speak English fluently." Kenji spoke in a fluent English manner.

"That's good, how about we take a seat, hunter Kenji." Michael said before continuing.

"I'll get straight to the point, Hunter Kenji. This is an immigration document for America." He handed out a folder to him, as Kenji raised his eyebrow.

"You do know that I'm a world rank hunter right? This serves no purpose, as I'm suppose to be everywhere." Kenji could already guess why would they do this.

"Well, having THE World Rank Hunter in our grounds would make a difference." Michael said.

"Don't worry, unlike others, which would take 1 or 2 years, but for you, it would only take 1 second for you to become an American citizen." Michael smirked in pride.

"How about you show me this upgrader first before talking to me about this." Kenji scoffed.

"Actually, that person is already here." A man said as a lady entered the room.

"Mrs. Shelner, please have a seat." Michael respectfully said, as the woman entered and Kenji finally saw her.

Although she looks a bit younger than he expected, but her eyes shows wisdom like no other.

"The only person in the world, who can help other awakeners exceed their limits. She is Mrs. Norma Shelner."


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[Extra Chapter every 200 stones.]