Ch. 79

Ryuji didn't struggle and behavely chewed the Senzu Bean, slowly healing his internal injuries.

He thought that he was getting close to Kenji's strength, but it turns out, he was just an arrogant man who thought that he was close on reaching the top.

"We still have a dungeon to clear tomorrow, this will be the end of our sparring session. Get some rest." Kenji announced before leaving them followed by Kanae.

"He's strong." Kei said as he also felt that burst of aura, suffocating him slightly.

Everyone also agreed by what he said. Although they knew that Kenji was strong, but they haven't seen it themselves, not until now.

"That was a good spar. I hope we can do it next time." Jin-Woo smiled and offered his hand to help him up.

Ryuji just ignored his hand and stood up to himself. Before walking back to his group.

"Now that's just rude." Dongwook said.

Meanwhile, Cha Hae-In beside him was mesmerized and staring at Sung Jin-Woo's face all the time. She felt like she have seen or smelled him from somewhere before, but she just can't pinpoint where.

Although she did see him in an A-rank dungeon back then, but he didn't gave her a glimpse and just walked away along with the Association.

All she knows is that he has the power beyond a normal S-rank, since not only can he move faster than her eye can see, but she also remembered those shadow summons back in the dungeons that kept on regenerating without stop.

She asked her guildmates, who were the main raid of that dungeon, and all they said was that they heard him say that as long as he has mana, his summons will keep on regenerating, which can be a good and bad news to a magic type hunter.

'I'll see if I can go and talk to him.' Hae-In was determined and was about to walk to him when, Jin-Woo suddenly announced.

"I think I'll join this raid." Jin-Woo said, receiving a bunch of reactions from all listeners.

"Wait, I thought you'll stay back and watch from behind the scenes?" Ryuji voiced out, as he can't let Jin-Woo join, as he might steal his limelight, and he can kiss his National Rank promotion, goodbye.

In the end, Ryuji tried everything to convince him, but Jin-Woo didn't budge even the slightest, making Ryuji grit his teeth.

Meanwhile, there is only one reason in Jin-Woo's mind on why he decided to join.

'I wanted to see more of Kenji's strength, how did he get so strong in such a young age? Did he also have a system like me.' Jin-Woo asked as he left the stadium, not noticing a girl nearby him that wanted to talk to him.

'He left.' Was the only thing that Hae-In thought right now.

Meanwhile, back on Kenji, he was on a nearby cafe along with Kanae.

"How about we have a date after this raid? It will be fun!" Kanae suggested as she's already thinking of a few places where their date will be held on.

"Maybe in our bedroom." Kenji said as he smirked at Kanae.


Kanae blushed, and kicked his legs underneath the table.

"What are you saying? We're in public." Kanae was beet red as she whispered at Kenji.

Kenji leaned forward and whispered back.

"Or maybe, you like to do it in public? Now that I said that, I think we should try it. I heard that it adds to the excitement." Kenji smirked.

Kanae turned more red, as she decided that she will 'punish' Kenji later.

"I'll deal with you later." Kanae whispered for the last time before leaning back and pouting.

"I knew you had exhibitionism." Kenji said, as he saw Kanae turn red again and kicked him under the table again, but this time, much more stronger and harder.




The next morning, a bunch of people were all over their television or cellphones, as they watched the live video of the actual raid of the dungeon.

In the Livestream, it showed Sung Jin-Woo, Choi, Baek, Cha Hae-In and a bunch of hunters, sitting with each other in a helicopter.

"Director Jin-Woo. Why do you think we need Japan for this when we could just have the World Hunter Kenji to clear it." The soldier asked, as he saw that some viewers also wanted to ask the same question.

'Shit. I'm not prepared for this.' Jin-Woo cursed in his mind as he tried to rack his mind for the answer in just a second.

"Well, I think we should learn to stand on our own feet without relying on him, that's why he is here to supervise us to clear this dungeon." Jin-Woo answered as the soldier nodded in understanding.

'I hope what I just said is right.'

"I have another question, Director." The soldier said.

'Please don't.'

"If we do clear the the Jeju Island, should we share the spoils with the Japan Hunters?"

"Well, it was stated in our meeting yesterday that we would share the spoils depending on how much did they contribute to the fight." Jin-Woo answered.

"I have a last question, Director."

'Please stop.'

"Why did you suddenly change your mind and decided to join the raid? Who will protect Korea without your current supervision?"

"I have many reasons for suddenly joining the raid but the main one is because I wanted to clear it with my own hands, as Jeju Island is part of our country. As for who will protect Korea without me? I could count them in both of my hands." Jin-Woo said as he remembers Gun-Hee, Chikashi, Hana, Iroh and some hunters that are acquained to Kenji, having a vacation in Korea.

A few minutes later, Jin-Woo could finally see the island up close, he could sense thousands of beings living inside the island, he guessed that this must be the ants that has evolved.

'This will be the end of the stain that has been marking Korea for years.'


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