Ch. 80

[Heya guys, this fanfic is already nearing its end as the end is Chapter 90, so expect some things that are rushed a bit. Anyways, I'm only doing this do I could focus on my MCU fanfic.]


As the helicopter landed, Jin-Woo was the first to came out, and as soon as he does, an ant as huge as a car jumped at it, making him slash it into pieces with his dagger.

"Be careful, they're quite aggressive." Jin-Woo warned as the others behind him nodded in understanding.


Suddenly, 10 huge ants jumped out of the hiding and attacked Jin-Woo and those behind him.


A sea of flames swallowed then, as Choi pushed the rim of his glasses in pride.

"Tch. Showoff." Behind him, Baek 'tch'ed and focused on the rear side of the team.

The moment Jin-Woo declared that he'll be joining the raid, Ryuji changed the plan, and suggested that the 'Japan' team will enter the next of the Ant, and slay the ant queen, while the 'Korean' team stays outside to gather the attention of the ants and distract them.

Although the Korean Hunters were complaining about this, but Jin-Woo didn't mind it as he agreed. The only reason he even joined was just to watch Kenji in action, maybe invite him also as a gift to his sister on her birthday.

"Did they get in?" Jin-Woo asked as they've been fighting the ants for about 30 minutes.

"We're receiving no response from them. They're dark." The soldier beside him said as he tried to contact them through the walkie-talkie.

'Something must be wrong.' Jin-Woo thought as they must be responding now.

"How about Kenji? Where is he?" Jin-Woo asked next.

"He's up in the air, Director." The soldier pointed at the sky and Jin-Woo saw Kenji eating popcorn.

"If something is wrong then he must have responded." Jin-Woo said.

Thanks to the interference wave, that the Japanese are transmitting, it disables the ant's ability to communicate with the Queen. But because of it, the walkie talkie mustn't work right? Well, the walkie talkie that they're using are being run by a mana stone, which uses the mana around the air to transmit the signal to it. This is the cutting edge technology of the walkie talkies.

Not only it can't be disrupted by any interference, but it also runs by small mana stone, which is very cheap when it comes to market, and it lasts for a decade, though only if it is used in the walkie talkie.

Maybe in the future, the whole world would be run by a huge mana stone, that will serve as humanity's new electricity.

But that will be only in the future, as of now, people and governments were busy clearing the increased rate of dungeons around the world, that they don't have the time and money to fund a mana and technology research, as the funds is currently being poured into grooming hunters and such.

Meanwhile, inside the cave in volcano, Ryuji and his guild members were roaming inside, wondering why they haven't seen a single ant or nest yet.

"I'm getting the creepy vibes here." Shimizu muttered as she held tightly on her scythe, which is her specific weapon of choice.

"I wanna go home." Atsushi yawned.

"Luckily, she's here." Shimizu said as she looked at a certain black-haired girl in front of them.

Tawata Kanae. She decided to join their raid, as she wanted some action. Ryuji didn't mind it as, as far as he knows, she's not that strong like Kenji, but strong enough to not hinder them in this raid.


A screech was heard as they got tensed, looking around, searching for the enemy.

"Halt." Ryuji said, as he squinted his eyes.

'Where is it?' Ryuji thought, as he could hear some sounds but he can't anything.


Suddenly, the screech sound became louder and before Ryuji could react, his head bursts into red flash, as his head popped like a watermelon.

"Ryuji!!!" Atsushi yelled his name, as his eyes slowly lost its sanity.

"Rraaaaaarrrghhh!!! You bastard!" Atsushi became something akin to a monster as he waves his hand, destroying everything in the cave.

"Atsushi! Shit! He needs to calm down or else the whole cave will fall apart, burying us here." Tatsumi said as he tried to stop Atsushi.


The same loud screech sounded as this time, it was Atsushi's head's turn to pop into red flash.

"A-atsushii!!" Ippei was distraught as he can't believe that his friends, who have been with him for years, was killed like that.

Meanwhile, Kanae was squinting her eyes as she tried to track the movements of their enemy. She could only see shadow blurring before Ryuji and Atsushi died.

"This is bad. Where is Kenji?!" Shimizu can't help but think of Kenji, who was supposed to supervise them in this raid.

"We're deep within the caves, I'd bet that he won't see us here." Tanaka said grimly, as he too hoped that Kenji would come and save them.


This screech was like a nightmare to them, as some of them closed their eyes in fear, but then, nothing happened.


When they opened their eyes, they saw Kanae with her katanas out, seems to be blocking a tall humanoid being, composed of black metallic armor.

"I'll deal with him. Call someone for help." Kanae knew she can handle this being, but she was not sure on whether she could handle him.

"I-I'll do it." Ippei said, as he was the fastest in the team.


Ippei ran immediately, as he tried to remember on where they entered the cave earlier.

Once seeing that he was gone, Kanae turned her head back in the humanoid being.

"It's been a while since I've fought someone strong. We'll see what you're made of." Kanae smirked as the fighting spirit inside her was igniting and surging out.



"I wonder handle that ant." Kenji muttered as he used his x-ray to watch Kanae fight with the ant.

After coming in here, he already sensed that strong ant, that could probably rival a National Rank-Hunter.

Just his speed alone is enough to make his enemies despair.

"If Kanae can't deal with him, then I have no choice but to step in." Kenji muttered, not even caring one bit about the death of Ryuji and Atsushi, though it is such a loss for Japan to lose 2 S-rank hunters.


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[Extra Chapter every 200 stones.]