Ch. 81

The ant screeched loudly, as it immediately disappeared from everyone's vision, before reappearing behind Kanae.


Kanae turned around while she gripped her Katana tightly as it collided with he ant's claws, shocking everyone.

'We can't even react.' is what everyone in the cave excluding Kanae and the ant, thought to themselves.

'Strong!' Kanae said in her mind, as she struggled upon the strength of her opponent.

The ant seemed to grumbled as it disappeared slightly, before a scream was heard.

"I-impossible! Ryuji-san's body is missing!" Shimizu yelled as she noticed the disappearance of Ryuji's body.

The ant reappeared again, but this time, something seemed to have changed within him.

"You are very strong, human." Surprisingly, the ant talked as it communicated with Kanae.

"A monster that can talk?" Kanae muttered slightly, as she too was surprised.

"Tell me, are there many more of you?" The ant asked as he continued to slowly walked towards her.

"I am not gonna talk to a monster." Kanae steeled her eyes and held her Katana tightly as she answered the ant's question.

"Fine then, I'll just eat you and take your knowledge!" The ant then rushed to her as his mandibles started clicking.


"Only my husband is allowed to 'eat' me, you fucking ant!" Kanae yelled as she slashed her Katana at the ant, who dodged, before finally, his mandibles were finally on her skin.


However, instead of the flash of blood, Kanae turned out to be fine, as she raised her arm to defend herself from the bite.

"I-impossible!" Was what the ant was thinking, as he tried to put more force on his mandibles to crush this girl's arm.

"You think you got me?" Kanae smirked, as she then used her other hand to stab the ant.


The moment Kanae stabbled him, the ant immediately flew away from her, but the katana was stuck inside his flesh.

"You got me there, human." The ant said as he pulled the katana out of him without hesitation.

And before Kanae and everyone's eyes, the hole on his abdomen slowly healed by itself.

"He can heal?" Shimizu can't help but be amazed, cause not only can the ant heal itself, but his healing is even faster than her, when healing someone, not to mention, it could reproduce it's flesh, which is very hard when it comes to her.

But Kanae doesn't care about this, if her opponent can heal himself, then to her, it only means that her punching bag would last longer.

"Everyone, get out of here." Kanae decided and finally said. She knew that their upcoming battle would be devasting, and she didn't want the Japan Hunters to be collateral damage.

"What?! We can also fight you know!" Tanaka and Shimizu said in unison.

"Are you sure you can fight him?" Kanae asked as she pointed her Katana at the ant.

Both of them suddenly gulped, as the words they wanted to convey was stuck on their throats.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Kanae can't help but yell at them, as time is ticking. Although she knew that Kenji might be watching right now, but she knew that he's not gonna intervene unless it is necessary.

This is also one of the reason why she wanted to fight the ant alone, it's like playing basketball when your crush is watching, it gives you this kind of feeling to do your best and not embarrass yourself. This is what she's feeling right now.

As soon as Kanae's words reached their ears, they gulped and nodded. Although they are proud hunters, but they aren't idiots that will fight in a futile battle. And since Ryuji is dead, there is no one to lead them on this expedition anymore, so they're on their own now.

The first one to leave Tanaka, and finally, the last one was Shimizu, who gave her one last look before running away.

When the ant noticed that they're leaving, he screeches as he dashed towards them, however, Kanae intercepted him before he could reach them.

"I'm your enemy, idiot!" She then sliced her Katana towards him, before sending a Sparta kick on his chest.

The ant used his arms to block the katana, however, it left his chest unprotected from the Sparta kick, so he was thrown away until he collided on the wall.


As soon as the ant collided on the wall, he immediately stepped aside, as Kanae appeared in front of his previous position, with her Katana slicing through the wall.


Her Katana sliced through like a knife through a butter.

"You're too strong for a human." The ant sweat dropped as he stared at the huge gash on the wall.

"Maybe because I'm not a human." Kanae said as her eyes goes on red.

The ant immediately felt something bad is about to happen, so he didn't hesitate to rush to Kanae, intending to finish her first, before she could do something.

However, he was too late, two straight red beams came out of her eyes, as it collided with the ant's chest.

"Graaaarrrrrghjjh!" The ant could feel the intense heat on his chest, penetrating through his exoskeleton and his flesh.

The ant immediately used his superior speed to rush away from his position.

He reappeared to another location, he was kneeling on his floor, as his blood was dripping on the huge hole on his chest.

He tried his best to heal the hole, but because it was cooked, he was having a hard time regenerating his flesh.

"Damn, that was intense. It's been a while since I've used that. Hubby is right, using those lasers feels really good and exciting." Kanae can't help but remark while walking towards the kneeling ant.

"Is this the enemy?" Another voice sounded on the cave, as Kanae turnes around and saw Jin-Woo along with the Korean and Japan Hunters. By the looks of it, Ippei has succeeded on calling for back-up.

"Yoh!" Kanae greeted them as their eyes fell on the kneeling ant on the ground.

"It looks like the matter is do-" Jin-Woo was about to say, when his senses blared off and he took off his dagger, just in time to block the ant's assault.

'Fast.' Jin-Woo can't help but think.

"He's already badly injured, I don't want to fight dying enemy, he's all yours." Kanae said as she sat on the ground and stretched her arms around.


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