Ch. 82

Although the ant was injured greatly, it is a shock that he could still move and fight effectively, even after all that wounds.

This is because there is only one thing running in the ant's mind right now.

'The Queen! I need to protect the Queen, we can't fight these human.' The ant was trying his best to fight against the black haired male in front of him.

However, Sung Jin-Woo was keeping up with his speed, making him despair.

'How can humans be this strong?'

While Jin-Woo was busy with fighting the ant, everyone stayed on the sidelines and can't help but marvel at the sight of two beings, blurring on each other. They can't even see their shadows, only some sparks of their clashing.

"If Director or Hunter Kanae weren't here, then we'd be dead already." Baek gulped, as he tried his best to track their movements. But all he could see are only blurs and sparks.

Others nodded in agreement at his words.

Beside them was the live recorded, who was recording everything since they've arrived.

Since then, everything that has happened is being broadcasted around the world, live.

"Amazing!! I didn't expect the new director of Korean Hunter Association would be this strong!" One of the viewers can't help but comment.

"True! If he is that strong then maybe we could finally have a national rank hunter?" One of the Korean viewers said as he got excited.

"Yeah. But where is the world rank hunter Kenji?" One of Kenji's fans complained.

"Yeah, where is Kenji-sama!!" Soon, the comment section was flooded with Kenji's fans, demanding his spotlight.

The channel was forced to be shut down because the server can't handle them.

However, this didn't stop as other channels were also flooded with their complaints.

"What the fuck?" Was the only thing that is in the minds of those who were managing these channels.

Back on the Jeju Island, a phone call rang on Kenji's pocket, who was sitting on the air with music running on his earphones.


Now hush little baby, don't you cry

Everything's gonna be alright

Stiffen that upper-lip up, little lady, I told ya

Daddy's here to hold ya through the night

I know mommy's not here right now, and we don't know why

We fear how we feel inside

It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby

But I promise momma's gon' be alright


*Ring Ring!*

The music was turned off as there was a call going on.

"Kenji speaking." Kenji said while muching on some popcorn.

"Kenji-sama, the people in Japan were demanding the government for you to show up. Some fans here were going crazy!" His assistant, Yuko spoke to him.

"Oh, Yuko! It's been a while. What do you mean demanding? I'm just supervising them, in case something goes wrong." Kenji said.

"We know that, but your fans were complaining, they wanted to see your glorious figure." Yuko sighed, and Kenji could feel that his assistant must be tired.

"Fine then, I'll show up." Kenji finally gave in, and decided to show his fans his glorious body.


"Sir! We've just reached 90% viewers! Most of them are Japanese." One of the staff said to his boss.

"This is good. As long as Kenji shows up, the viewers will skyrocket. And with our new director's strength, defeating the ant queen would be possible!" The boss excitedly said.


"We should let them be, and find the quee-." As the S-rank Flame Soldier was about to instruct, they head a very loud screech, but different from the current ant they're facing.

"It's their Queen." Kenji said behind them, as they all yelled in shock.

"P-Please don't shock us like that, Kenji-san." Shimizu was still grieving over her teammate's death, so she was the most shocked among them.

"Don't worry, it's just me. By the way, where's your Guildmaster?" Kenji pretended not to know and asked.

All of the Japan Hunters lowered their heads in sadness, as the death of their team mates are still fresh on their memories.

"They're dead." Tanaka said without stuttering. Although he looks tough on the outside, but on the inside, he was crying, he could still remember their interaction before they die, and it pains him as he remembers.

"I see. I'm sorry, if only I joined much earlier, then maybe they'd be alive." Kenji sadly said, as he even closed his eyes in 'sadness'.

"Don't worry, I won't let his death be in vain." Kenji wiped his eyes as he assured them.

Others were happy that the world rank hunter cared for them.

"Anyways, we just heard the Queen over there. If my guess is correct, then she's rushing over here." Kenji said as the hunters behind him got ready.

"I need a closer look." The live streaming soldier said as he tries to step closer, however, he was stopped by Kenji himself.

"If you value your life then I suggest getting behind us." Kenji said as he pointed at the corner behind them.

"Y-yes, hunter Kenji." The soldier gulped at being stared by Kenji and nodded.

Soon, the Queen finally shows herself, surrounding her was 10 ants that emanated an aura that is equivalent of an S-rank monster.

"That's the Queen." Kenji pointed at the one in the middle.

Seeing their nervous faces, Min Byung-Gyu smiled, it was finally his turn to shine.

"Please, don't worry you guys. I'll provide support from the rear."

"I'll give you guys some gift." Byung-Gyu smirked as he opened his book and a light came out of it.

Soon, everyone was covered in different kinds of lights, including Kenji.

'Fascinating, although the increase in my strength is a bit weak, but it still counts as an increase. I wonder if I should practice buff magic.' Kenji thought to himself as he clenched his hand and felt his nigh-infinite strength, coursing through his body.

"Are you guys ready? I'll just watch over here, and see if you guys can handle them." Kenji asked them.

"Don't worry sir, we'll show them!" Baek smiled as his fur started appearing.

"I guess I don't need to hold back anymore." Choi smiled as a huge fire dragon appeared behind him.

Soon, everyone was already going all out, even Baek showed his transformed form.

"Looks like this battle will be fun." Kenji smiled, while munching on some popcorn again.


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[Extra Chapter every 200 stones.]