Ch. 83

[Here it is everyone! The Queen has finally showed herself! Our proud and courageous hunters of Korea has taken the first step into taking down the Queen!]

[And here we are! The Queen and her guards are fighting with Korean and Japan Hunters, while the Director is keeping the King Ant distracted!]

On the screen, it can be seen that both Korean and Japan Hunters were helping each other in taking down the Queen's guards.

[On screen, you can see a Giant Ant, likes of which we have never seen before! Hunter Ma Dong'uk is keeping the Queen busy but it looks like the other hunters has to clear the Guards fast and help out.]

On the screen, Baek finally finished a Bodyguard by ripping it's flesh of.

[Hunter Baek is the first to eliminate a Bodyguard!]

"Jesus Christ." One of the watchers remarked.

[The others has also eliminated theirs! Yes! We now have 4 bodyguards left!]

[We have already defeated half of them!]




[Now, Three are left!]




[Two Bodyguards are left! Two more and we can finally take down the Queen!]

[We are on the cusp of successfully completing this raid!]

[The formidable bodyguards have all been defeated!]

The moment his words fell on everyone's ears, they all stood up and cheered, their success rate of completing this raid is already at 100%

Now that all the bodyguards have been defeated, soon the Queen will also follow.

[Now, kill the Queen and the ants will be crushed out of existence!!]

On the battle, the ant that Jin-Woo was fighting panicked when he saw that the bodyguards of the Ant Queen died at the hands of these humans!

He delivered a strong blow to Jin-Woo, slightly pushing him back. The ant took this chance to escape from his battle and rushed up to kill Hae-In, who was about to deliver her the killing blow to the Queen.

"*Screech!* Dieeeee!!!"

As the ant was close to her, a blur appeared between Hae-In and the ant.

When everyone's eyes turned on him, it showed Kenji, who finally decided to make his move, as he doesn't want to prolong this raid and go home.

[Look! It's the world rank hunter, Kenji! He has finally decided to make his move. Watch out, he has delivered a punch towards King Ant's face.]

Kenji didn't even uttered a word and just clenched his fist tightly before delivering a shocking and devastating blow towards the ant's face.

Before dying, there is only one thing that was on the ant's mind.




Because of the force of his punch, the ant's whole head was crushed and its flesh and blood splattered on the ground.

While at the same time, Hae-In finally delivered the last blow on the Queen, effectively killing her immediately.

There was only silence after the death of the King Ant and the Ant Queen, what soon followed was the burst of cheers and tears.

Finally, the island that has been a nightmare to most Koreans was finally cleared, and not only that, they have also avenged the death of all the hunters who participated in the raid a few years back.

Jin-Woo was staring at the ground where the corpse of the Ant Queen and the King Ant resides.

'Father...' He remembers his father who was one of the hunters who participated in the raid.

"Are you gonna turn them into your soldiers?" Kenji asked him as Jin-Woo was staring at the corpses for 3 minutes now.

Jin-Woo didn't say anything and just nodded in return.

Kenji understood and turned around.

"You there, I want you to turn off that camera." He pointed at the live streaming soldier who was shocked at Kenji's command.

"B-bu-." The soldier stuttered as he wanted to refuse but he can't find the words to say it.

"Just do it." Kenji said, which the soldier nodded and turned off the camera.

"What? What's going on?! Why did Hunter Kenji told him to turn the stream off?" The manager of the station, who was in charge of the streaming yelled in frustration, as he saw that the viewers were complaining and he was slowly losing viewers.


"What's going on, Kenji?" Kanae raised her eyebrow as she asked. The others also nodded as they too wanted to know on why Kenji did it.

"Don't worry, just let me." Kanae nodded in understanding.

"Everyone. Whatever you will see here, must stay inside, no word of what you will witness shall go out or else." When Kenji announced this, he then coldly glared at everyone, while also slightly flaring his aura.

They all nodded in understanding.

Once seeing that they agreed, he finally gave a thumbs up to Jin-Woo who mouthed a 'thank you' at him.

Soon, he slowly lifted his hand in front of the corpses and uttered a cold word that rang on everyone's ears.


After saying that word, something happened that put a chill on everyone's spine, as they loosely stared at the dark glow emanating from the corpses's bodies.

Soon, after that, the dark shadow finally took form similar to the corpses's bodies.

"W-what?" Baek stuttered as he can't believe what he was seeing. Although he already knew that Jin-Woo has many summons up in his sleeve, but he didn't know that this is how he receives his summons. It's like a necromancer ressurecting the dead, but in a form of a shadow.

Baek wasn't the only one who was shock, even Kanae was also shocked when she saw what happened.

Her eyes then widened in shock as she tucked on Kenji's shirt.

"Is he the...." Kanae wasn't finish asking when Kenji immediately answered her.

"Yes. He is the Shadow Monarch." Kenji nodded and said, confirming Kanae's thoughts.

As soon it was done, the ant kneeled in front of Jin-Woo as it spoke, shocking him.

"Master, please give me a name."

As soon as it spoke, Jin-Woo was wide eyed in shock before recovering.

He closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking for a few moments before opening his eyes.

"Beru. Your name will be Beru."


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[Extra Chapter every 200 stones.]