Ch. 85

So, for the next few days has been a nightmare to all, as they don't know when will the monsters come out of the gate.

Unsurprisingly, throughout the those days, Kenji didn't even had a wink of sleep, which is not that harmful to him as he can even stay awake for a whole decade.

There are also some news some reached Kenji's ears. The first one is that a gate opened up at the school where Jin-Woo's sister lives.

Kenji called Jin-Woo and was informed that they were fine and Jin-Ah wasn't hurt anywhere.

The 2nd and the last news was that Jin-Woo's father has appeared on American soil and Jin-Woo has been trying to negotiate with the American government to safely transfer his father back to Korea.

However, the American didn't want to have up such a priceless hunter, so they made up an excuse that Il-Hwan might be a monster that could take on someone's appearance, and such.

Jin-Woo felt helpless by this, as he doesn't have the intention of fighting a whole government, so he just gave them a week or so to bring Il-Hwan back to Korea or else there will be consequences.

Of course, Kenji also sent his own message that says.

'Let the man bring the milk back to his fam.'

Having said that, the American government doesn't have any choice but to promise that they'll bring Il-Hwan back to Korea in due time.

"Kenji-sama! The gate is acting very strange!"

Kenji's thoughts were disrupted by his assistant Yuko's words.

"It must be starting, let's go." Kenji nodded and went out.

Soon, he was met with he same gate, but this time, it is indeed acting strangely as it is warping very fast and weirdly.

He looked around and saw the army with their soldiers and tanks.

"Was there any needs of this? Modern Effects won't have big effects on these monsters, so there's no need to mobilize the army here." Beside him, Kanae complained.

"They will simply be Cannon fodder." She continued.

"There is no difference between us and them, all of us only wanted to protect our country at all costs." Kenji smiled at Kanae's cute face while complaining, so he can't help but pat her head.

"Knock it off." Kanae slapped his hand away and blushed.

"T-the gate! It's opening!" They were interrupted when one of the soldiers shouted.

What he said was true, because the Gate is started releasing huge amounts of energy, and it has currently turned into red.

Kenji also flew nearby the gate, and waited for the monsters to come out.

As soon as Kenji was close, the first monster finally came out, and it is a giant.

"G-giants! They're Giants!"

"The bosses that appeared in Upper A-grade dungeons are coming right away?!" One of the Hunters can't help but swallow his saliva in fear.

"Hmm, I remember clearing one by myself. This shouldn't be a problem, however..." Kenji then turned around and looked at the nervous hunters.

"There will be some casualties in this battle." Kenji sighed before punching the Giant who came close to him.


As usual, the Giant's head turned into meat paste.

"Everyone! Don't be nervous, we have the World Rank Hunter by our side!" Lu Ten encouraged them.

"Yeah! We have the world rank hunter! We would win!"

The previous nervous hunters were now gone and was replaced by brave and cheerful hunters whose bloods started pumping up.

"He is a great leader." Kenji noticed this and smiled.

He then turned around and saw a huge incoming fist on his face.

"Woooohhh~" Kenji didn't flinch and casually blew on the fist, covering the huge fist into an ice.

The ice slowly covered the Giant's whole body before fully encasing the Giant into ice sculpture.

Kenji then swatted the ice Giant and it was shuttered, however more and more Giants came out that Kenji started using both of his fists to fight.



*Boom!* x69

Kenji was punching Giants left and right, turning them into meat paste.

Behind him, Kanae also took care of the Giants that went past him.

The hunters also tried to help but to no avail, they just became Cannon fodder on the battlefield.

"All of you! Retreat!" Kenji knew that the rest of the hunters stood no chance and ordered them to retreat.


The army also tried to help, but just like what Kanae said earlier, the armies were useless in front of monsters, especially these Giants.

The earlier peaceful looking city has turned into a something akin to a hell, as buildings were burning and is being constantly destroyed.

Unfortunately, the numbers of the Giants turns out to be more troublesome, as Kenji was being overwhelmed by them, so he was left with no choice but to increase his overall power output.

Instead of punching left and right, Kenji was flying as fast as light, and he is using his body to pierce through the heads of the Giants, killing them effectively.

Kanae also did the same, and this started the slaughter of the Giants.

In the outside world, the only thing that everyone was seeing was a flash of light before tens or hundreds of Giants started falling off.

"M-monsters." One of the normal soldiers can't help but utter the word, as he doesn't know which one is truly the monster here.

More and more Giants poured out of the gate and so did the bloodshed.

Everyone already made up in their minds, that if Kenji and Kanae wasn't here then the whole Japan might be erased from the earth.

Mountains upon mountains made up of Giant corpses could make even a cold blooded killer puke due to the intensity of blood and it's metallic smell on the surroundings.

Meanwhile, thanks to them moving in the speed of light, there were no blood on their suits.

After killing thousands of Giants, it finally slowed down however, that doesn't mean that it is the end of the battle.

Because as soon as all the Giants were gone, the earlier Gate were stretched out and soon, something came out of it that made everyone's scalp tingle.

A big Giant, so big that it dwarfs everyone, even the Giants earlier were like ants compared to this Big Giant.


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[Extra Chapter every 200 stones.]