Ch. 86

"W-What is this monstrosity?" The remaining hunters that stayed behind gulped in fear as they stared at the Huge giant looking down at them, as if a God has descended on Earth.

"I-is what my eyes seeing are real?" The reported rubbed her eyes as she stared at the huge giant towering all the buildings in the vicinity.

Even Kanae stopped in her tracks and stared at the huge giant in shock.

"Is he the boss? Why did the boss came out so early?" Kanae shot a worried look at Kenji.

"He's not the boss. I can sense someone more stronger than him inside the Gate, someone at the level of Monarchs." Kenji said but muttering the last sentence, though Kanae still heard him thanks to her super hearing.

"A Monarch?" Kanae asked in confirmation. She also fought a Monarch and knew how strong they are.

"I'll take care of him. Wait here." Kenji said to her and didn't wait for her response before flying off and smashing his fist on the Giant's face.

He held back a lot, since he wanted to assess this Giant's rank. Maybe he's at the level of someone like Kamish.

The Giant flew back damaging all the buildings behind, as if he was just a toy thrown aside by Kenji.

"Thankfully, I won't have to pay for those." Kenji said as he stared at the destruction he caused by a single punch.

Due to the Giant's large build, almost half of Tokyo was turned into smithereens.

If Kenji didn't know that this is the once famous Tokyo, then he might mistake it for something akin to hell, as countless corpses lay on the ground, and the city was almost flooded with the blood of the Giants.

Not to mention, buildings were either on fire or breaking down.

In short, Tokyo can't be recognized anymore, this will surely give headaches to the government and Japan Hunter Association as the cost of the destruction I'd ranging between a billion and tens of billions of dollars.

Kenji flew down close to the Giant and saw him struggling to stand up.

"Rooooaaaaarrrr!!" The Giant roared when he saw Kenji getting close to him, trying to intimidate him.

"It's no use." Kenji said as he grabbed the Giant's face.

"Can you talk?" Kenji asked. Since Kamish could talk, and this Giant might be someone similar to Kamish, then there's a chance that the Giant could also talk like Kamish.

"Rooaaaarrrr!!" However, contrary to his expectations, the Giant could only roar, much to Kenji's disappointment.

"My disappoinment is immesurable and my day is ruined." Kenji shook his head before finally deciding to put the Giant out of his misery.

Clenching his fist, he delivered a punch that resonated throughout the whole of Tokyo.


A huge crater was formed as the Giant's head exploded into smithereens.

Two punches. That's all it takes for a Giant in Kamish's level to be killed by him, showing how far his strength has grown from his past self.

After Kenji was done, he noticed that the gate seems to be absorbing the remaining energy of the huge giant, so he knew that it must be the boss's doing, si he quickly flew past the Gate, intending to finish this as soon as possible.

As soon as he entered the gate, he was met with a huge dimly lit hall.

"It's huge..."

Kenji muttered as he continued flying forward while at the same time, he was looking around in curiousity.

After flying for a few minutes, he finally entered a room where he could see another Giant, sitting on the throne at the end of the room, looking at him with a grin.

Kenji guessed that this must be the boss as he could feel the huge energy emanating from him.

"Welcome, Star Monarch." The boss said in a familiar monster language as the grin never left his face.

"Who are you?" Kenji asked warily.

"My name is Legia, the king of Giants and the Monarch of the Beginning. I was waiting for you." Legia said as he stand up, towering Kenji with his huge build.

"The Dragon Monarch has ordered me to distract you, while the others outside will kill the Shadow Monarch!" Legia revealed a shocking news to Kenji as Kenji's eyes were wide open by the revelation.

"Don't think about leaving, you have to go through me!" Legia roared as his body shone in dark blue light and Kenji was pushed back just from the roar he gave.


Much to Kenji's shock, the Giant grew in size, bigger than the Giant he fought earlier. It's like comparing a human to an ant.

Legia deserved the title of King of Giants as he could probably trample a small sized country with just the stomp of his feet.

"Come, Star Monarch, show me why he has chosen you as his successor!" Legia roared again as he delivered an intense punch towards Kenji.


The hallway was destroyed by the punch as Kenji trusted his durability to survive from it.

Once the dust settles, Kenji was shocked when he noticed the bruise on his forearms.

"As expected, you survived that." Legia said as he stared down at Kenji, as if acknowledging an ant.

This ticked Kenji, so he fought back by grabbing the huge feet of Legia.

Much to Legia's shock, he felt himself being lifted, even with his huge size.

Kenji then spun around, while still grabbing Legia on his feet, spinning him around.

"What!!" Legia could feel the tremendous force on his feet dragging him in circles.

After a few seconds of intense spinning, Kenji finally let go of his feet, throwing him several miles far away.


Legia landed on the ground while lifting himself up in anger. He can't believe that someone so small like Kenji is capable of lifting him and spinning him.


He yelled in anger as his body glowed once again, increasing his size into something bigger than his current size.

"I'm gonna show you why I'm called the King of Giants!"


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[Extra Chapter every 200 stones.]