Ch. 87

5 minutes after Kenji entered the gate, Kanae was on the ground looking at the gate in worry.

"Hunter Kanae!" Yuko called out to her in worry as he ran up to her and showed her a tablet.

"A-another gate has opened in Korea! But this one is much more bigger than this gate in Tokyo!" Yuko said in despair. He felt like the world is slowly breaking apart by this frequent appearance of huge Gates.

"What!" Kanae opened her eyes wide.

"Does any monster similar to this came out?!" Kanae asked as she hoped that Jin-Woo could protect his own country by himself.

"W-we don't know, so far, it stayed quiet and unmoving. The korean government are currently evacuating the area." Yuko said.

"I'll go there first, tell Kenji when he comes out." Kanae didn't wait for Yuko to respond and disappeared in a flash.

In Korea, the masses were panicking as an unexpected huge gate suddenly appeared, shocking them and instilling fear.

The Korean Hunters immediately responded and helped with the evacuation, while Jin-Woo was near the Gate that appeared and is currently watching the Gate with careful eyes.

He was getting a bad feeling with this, so he stayed behind and decided to watch over the gate.

He knew that he msut trust this feeling as it has saved him many times, when he was nothing but the weakest hunter.

"What's going on? Is that the gate?" Kanae landed beside him and asked while staring at the huge gate.

"Yes. Where's Kenji? Is the gate on Tokyo done?" Jin-Woo nodded and asked in return.

"No. Not yet, but he's already inside the gate, must be clearing it, and when he's done, he should be here any moment." Kanae first shook her head and said.

"I wonder what monsters are inside. I heard from my assistant that Giants came out of the gate in Tokyo." Jin-Woo decided to strike a conversation to remove the tension in the surroundings.

"I have no idea. But the fact that another huge gate like this came out just after the gate in tokyo came out, is surely not some kind of coincidence. I'm guessing that someone is controlling the strings behind the scenes and we are the center of it." As soon as Kanae was done talking, the gate then changed color into red, and huge amounts of energy swept the surface.

'This mana!' Even Jin-Woo sweated at the huge amounts of mana taht could take out an S-rank monster with just the pressure alone.

Soon, a floating lone red haired man came out and looked down on the ground in disgust as if looking at ants.

When his eyes turned on Jin-Woo, disappointmenr replaced the disgust on his eyes, as he floated down close to Jin-Woo.

"Pathetic." He only uttered one word before opening his mouth wide, and a huge beam of destruction was released that was headed towards Jin-Woo and Kanae.

'I can't dodge!' Jin-Woo was also shocked as before he could react, the beam was already in frot of his face.


The whole area was blasted, even the hunters and reporters were all turned into ashes as the beam was too strong.

"Hmph, I'm disappointed. I guess the alliance was all for naught because those rulers were cowards." The lone chuckled and insulted the rulers. He was about to go back when he suddenly felt something hitting him on his back.

He dodged just in time for Kanae's laser beams to hit the remainings of the pavement on the ground.

"Hoh? Are you perhaps The Star Monarchs lover? Hmm, Legia would definitely not be able to defeat him, taking you as a hostage should be fine in case something goes wrong." Antares smirked as he saw Kanae, almost half of her body was scorched, and behind him, was the passed out Jin-Woo, who was also scorched from up to down, it's a miracle that he's still alive.

[A/N: Before you all complain, he hasn't received the full powers of Ashborn as he hasn't died yet and he only has the Black Heart.]

"How dare you hurt my KING! SCREEEECCCCHHHH!!!" Beru appeared behind Antares with an angry expression as he extended his claws and was about to strike it down to Antares, when he was held in his neck.

"Bug. Querehsha can't even put a leash to her minions." Antares then gripped Beru's neck and was about to kill him.

"Beru....Get.....back...." Jin-Woo painfully muttered as Beru flowed back to his shadow.

"Rraaaaahhh!" Kanae decided to intervene and delivered an uppercut to Antares's jaw.


Antares flew upwards before stopping and clenching his jaw.

"As expected, I never thought that a human being could reach this strength." Antares then looked at Kanae who was rushing up to him. Although she's fast, to him, she looks like she's just walking.

Earlier, he was just bored and wanted to test Kanae's strength, which is why he let himself be hit by her.

But now, he's not gonna play anymore, who knows when Kenji will arrive here.

He then stretched out his arms and said with glowing red eyes.

"Come forth, my legion."

After he said that, the previous hole where he came out, tens or thousands of dragons came out and wrecked havoc, blowing fire and flames.

"I-is this the end of the world?" One of the hunters who survived earlier, muttered in despair as fear was plastered on his face.

When he was about to turn into ash like his fellow hunters, he heard a voice.

"Have no fear, because I'm here." The Dragon who was about to breathe fire on the poor hunter was blasted into meat paste.

When the hunter opened his eyes, he was both shocked and relief to see Kenji standing in front of him with his fist stretched out.

"Go home. I'll take care of this."

After Kenji said that, the hunter bowed and uttered a 'thank you' to him before running away.

"Jin-Woo? What happened?" He saw Jin-Woo laying on the ground. Even though his body was burned into crisp, Kenji could still recognize him.

"I think I'm gonna die." Jin-Woo said as his breathing got heavier.

"Don't worry, your death is just the beginning." Kenji assured him as he knew that the real Shadow Monarch will soon come.


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