Looking at the elder sister's glowing eyes and the increasingly heavy breathing, Chu Qing crept out of the room and closed the door gently.

His face was a little hot.

To be honest, this situation is something Chu Qing never thought of!

Fortunately, the elder sister did not find herself entering the house.

After thinking for a while, Chu Qing deliberately vigorously knocked on the door and shouted, "Sister, I've eaten."

Faintly, Chu Qing heard the panic table-chair collision sound from inside. Half a minute later, the elder sister Chu Xiao pushed the door open, with a slightly red face and a charming charm.

"Sister, you won't watch Xiaomao film inside."

Although she didn't expose the "good things" that the old sister had just said, Chu Qing was still a bit cramped and deliberately teased her.

"Che, Mao. What's so good about the movie, True Master is now popular! Hey, there was a Little Handsome Brother, who was very hot, and it was just enjoyable to watch!" Chu Xiao said unexhaustedly, then glared at Chu Qing glanced and waved his hand: "Hey, what is there to say to you little boy."

With that, she twisted her hips and walked to the bathroom. After a while, she changed clothes and walked out.

Walking to the living room, the elder sister impatiently yelled, "I have a friend's meal at night and come back later."

"You said that you have been home for half a month, and you go out every day until midnight 2 ** before you go home. Have you ever considered your future?"

Father came out carrying a pot of fish soup, and when he heard the daughter's words, his beard suddenly shivered.

"Cut." The elder raised her eyebrows, coldly snorted and said: "A man is really short-sighted and short-sighted! Father, I am going out for entertainment, and my friends are pulling me to do business together."

With that, she stretched out her hand and said frivolous: "father, give me 1000 money first."


"Speaking, socializing, you can't eat others in vain!"


Father is almost mad, blowing nose said while staring: "You say you, if your brother is so clever, my mother and you don't have to worry!"

"Hmph, what do I learn from him? A boy is quiet. Just marry a rich woman and everything will be fine. But for me, I have to fight for my own business. No, there is a friend who does business. She learned from it. "

The elder sister sullenly shook her head and said: "Besides, I still have to support you and our mother, my brother? That is the water splashed by the married son, so father, can't you treat me better? "

Looking at the disappointing look of the daughter, father was heartbroken, but in the end he still couldn't hold back some nagging and shuddered out of the money from his wallet.

"You save some flowers. Women should go out for entertainment, but they can't be treated as injustice. You said that those of you who are friends of wine and meat are really capable?

"Ah, father, your daughter, I'm not that stupid!"

Raising the bank notes, the old lady laughed at hehe, then put on high heels and walked out of the house with a twist.

Oh my God!

Chu Qing took a deep breath, a black line with a crazy expression, is this the quiet elder sister of his previous life?

"Hey, Xiaoqing, don't learn badly from your sister!"

The father turned his head and said seriously.

"Father, did you let my sister go like this?" Chu Qing looked dazed.

"Otherwise what can you do? Your sister is a girl, can I still tie her at home like I did to you! A woman should go out and run, but your sister's temper … Forget it, as long as she doesn't cause trouble."

Father sighed and went into the kitchen to serve dinner, but Chu Qing was completely speechless.

What a feminine world!

As he was talking, mother Chu Tiannan's tired face came home.


After 300 years, I saw mother again. Although it was different from the memory, the familiar face still made Chu Qing excitedly welcome.

That's right, in this World, all children follow their mother's surname!


Chu Tiannan looked at his son who was thrown into his arms, and suddenly he was happy, and said with a happy face: "So, the sons are all mother's little cotton jacket, look at our good son, let's say, be so cute with mom, Is pocket money insufficient? "

With that, mother laughed and hehe took out a few hundred pieces and stuffed them into Chu Qing's hands.

Chu Qing was shocked again. Mother in the past life was a wealthy slave. She wanted to cheat ten dollars from her hands to go to the black bar to play games. She had to draw ink for a long time.

"Mother, I don't want it."

Shaking his head, Chu Qing, who knew that his family was in poor financial conditions, refused.

"Silly boy, just give it to you. Our family is now more difficult, but it won't make you wronged. Your academic performance is better, which is the greatest comfort for your mother and me."

"Chu Xiao?" Following Mother asked casually.

"Don't mention it, the child went out and fooled again." Father shook his head and sighed.

"Just fooling around, I didn't get you started that way."

After finishing speaking, Mother threw the briefcase on the sofa, sat down carefree, and squinted at her husband: "I 'm right, the male child will be rich, the girl will be poor, that girl let her in There was n't a major event outside! There was n't much major event! Girl, which was not a little sensible after the storm. "

"Yes, you are right, wife."

Looking at father eagerly pouring water for Mother, pouring tea, or even bringing food and rice to Mother, Chu Qing ran a large amount of *** in his heart.

This is this World, the life of a man?

The same is true in the future?

Never allowed!

Chu Qing rolled his eyes suddenly, thinking about his future path.

After eating, I was too lazy to watch Mother lying on the sofa and watch TV. Father, a hard-working master, started cleaning the house again. Chu Qing ran directly back to his room.

At first glance, I felt that the room was very neat and generous.

It's not like a boy's room at all, it's more like a girl's boudoir!

A full-length mirror was even inlaid on the wall. Looking at the mirror, a young boy with a handsome and delicate delicate and pretty boy, Chu Qing smiled bitterly.

Thinking of new information in my mind.

For example, in this World, because women 's rights are respected, every household in the past wanted to give birth to a daughter, which developed in the last 1000 years, resulting in a very disparity in the proportion of men and women in the World population!

Well, probably to say so, there are still a few 10000000 million women playing bachelors in China!

A woman who wants to get married must have a house and a car to marry a good man.

As for men, as long as they are handsome and pretty.

It seems … I am the marriage partner of countless women yearn for something even in dreams.

Yes, at this time, Chu Qing finally remembered that he seemed to be the "school flower!" Of the second high school in Jinmen City.


Chu Qing still couldn't believe it, but when he opened the desk drawer, almost a drawer of love letters almost all wrote his name!

Look at the content of the love letter again, it is nothing more than confession, and the Lord is him!

I can't believe it was written from the hearts of the girls in each and everyone!

"Forget it, let it come if you come."

With a bitter smile, Chu Qing went to the bed with his legs crossed and his eyes closed slightly.

After a moment, he showed a surprised expression.

"Spiritual Qi is so rich!"

In the previous life, Chu Qing visited Heavenly Sword Gate in the cultivation world and asked him about Transcendent Saint.

Today, although he has soared through the boundary and scattered a cultivation base in the space-time channel, Chu Qing is still quite confident that he can regain the cultivation base and open the space-time channel again.

"Go to the feminist world of fuck, labor and capital do not wait!"

With a grunt, Chu Qing swears that must must return to that normal Earth World in the fastest time.

Then, after looking at the time, it was already half past ten in the morning.

His thoughts moved, and just one point of Spirit Qi, which was just condensed by the cultivation of "Ji Dao Zi Gong", was injected into 2 ears, and he heard 2 peaceful breathing sounds coming from his parents' room.

Listen to the next room again, very quiet.

"Sister hasn't come home yet?"

Chu Qing was surprised for a while, and then he came to wake up. In this World, women and men turned upside down, and it was no surprise to play until midnight 2 **.

Thinking about it, suddenly the phone ringing on the desk rang.

Chu Qing took a look, connected the phone, and was surprised: "Sister?"


Chu Xiao's anxious voice came from the end of the phone. She panicked: "I have something wrong, you listen to me first, don't tell our parents, don't call the police."


"There is a dark bag under the bed in my room. You will bring it to me right now. I am listening to the crescent bar on Hai Street. I …"

Before the words were finished, the phone was stolen by the barbarian, followed by the voice of a woman laughing haha, with a little coldness.

"Boy, if your sister is safe, just give me that bag! Box 302!"

Chu Qing frowned, almost spitting out old blood, and intuitively told him that the elder sister seemed to be in trouble.


This World woman!

Shaking his head, Chu Qing silhouette swept away and quietly floated out of the room door. A few seconds later, he came out of the elder sister's room carrying a deep black luggage.

There was no sound under his feet. In the dark environment, his eyes were as bright as torches.

"No one can touch my family!"

In a murmur, Chu Qing glanced to the window, swooped down from the window on the 5th floor in the next second, and in the dark, his silhouette turned into a phantom and quickly disappeared into the night.