Chu Qing soon arrived at the Crescent Bar.

As soon as I walked into the bar, I saw a group of women swaying crazy on the dance floor, shaking their heads, and the explosive DJ music, which made them extremely excited.

In all around, there are many young men dressed in delicate and pretty, or handsome, but each is sitting on the seat until a girl has a conversation, and then happily walks to the dance floor and dances.

"Mr. Wang, a few handsome guys have just arrived, that tender …"

Even, Chu Qing also saw a monster qi man studded with a fat lady, a fat lady with a famous brand, hearing this fat face smiled, showing a fascinated gaze, and then walked away under the greeting of "old bustard" Enter the box inside.

"Hey, handsome guy, alone?"

At this time, a beautifully dressed woman walked by and saw Chu Qing's first glance, so she threw herself up excitedly.

"No appointment."

Chu Qing resisted the urge to scold others and shook his head coldly.

"Yoah, Little Handsome Brother is still a young bird, do you want elder sister to help you? That taste is very comfortable."

The woman was not angry, her smile squinted closer, and she exhaled in Chu Qing's ears with a stern look.

"Boy, you are Chu Qing."

Not far away, a sturdy woman approached, narrowing her eyes, and asked very politely.

Then he turned his head and stared at the woman who talked to her, scolding: "Dare you touch the sister Zhou? Get out!"

The woman hearing this complexion greatly changed, shrinking her neck in fear, followed by a deep bow, and panicked: "White Young Lady, I do n't know, I 'm sorry, please tell me to Sister Zhou, this is my roll."

After talking, the woman fiercely slapped her face and quickly retreated.


A woman named Bai Young Lady coldly smiled, glanced at Chu Qing, and then took him into the 302 box.

The lights were a little dazzling, so Chu Qing saw Chu Xiao, an elder sister who was framed by two 2 big and 5 thick women in the middle of the sofa, with a pale face, but she was calm and showed no signs of injury.

This made Chu Qing relaxed and walked straight in, throwing his luggage on the table.

"I brought something and let my sister go."


At this time, a woman sitting in the middle of the sofa lifts the head, a piece that is not pretty, and can even be said to be a face full of pockmarks.

"It's still a Little Handsome Brother, there are more people photographed than photos."

Zhou Yun stood up and walked towards Chu Qing with two bright eyes.

"Little Handsome Brother, how old is it."

Zhou Yun laughed and looked at Chu Qing straightly. The more she looked, the more satisfied she was, the inside a body of agitation surged all over her body, making her unable to bear swallow.

"None of your business."

Chu Qing had a chill, the woman's naked eyes made him very uncomfortable, and immediately had a cold attitude.

"Ha ha."

Holding his anger in his heart, Zhou Yun turned towards the luggage bag on the table, unzipped it, whoosh sound, and exposed the stacks of banknotes inside.


Chu Xiao on the sofa directly issued cry out in surprise. Obviously, I didn't expect that the bag was actually a sum of money!

Chu Qing was quite calm, he had seen it when he came, and he would n't know if he was a big-hearted old lady, but seriously, there was at least 1,000,000 in it, and I did n't know how the old lady was messed with. It's such a thing!

The next second, Chu Xiao woke up, his face was paler, and he panicked and waved his hand and explained: "Sister Zhou, I do n't know that this is your money, Xiao Lin is my good girlfriend. My personal items, let me keep it for her for a while. "

"To shut up!"

Zhou Yun suddenly a light shout, looked at Chu Xiao coldly for a while, and smiled for a long time, showing a gloomy expression: "I don't expect you to have the courage to blacken my money! Lin Xiaowan's stinky lady, doing things in my place, actually Dare to take away my money and get bored. "

"Get out before I'm still angry!"

"Many thanks, Sister Zhou."

Chu Xiao was frightened by his face and broke away from the 2 girls next to him. Then he jumped up and rushed to Chu Qing. He pulled the younger brother and left the scene.


Zhou Yun shoved loudly shouted, with a sharp glow of words: "Who let him go?"

"Sister Zhou, do you mean …"

Chu Xiao's expression suddenly changed, and the next moment flew to Chu Qing, his hands spread out to protect him, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't want to move my brother!"

"Oh, your brother looks good, or is it young? I like it, your brother stays, you leave me!"

Zhou Yun sneered, went to a seat on the sofa, poured a glass of red wine, Chi Lulu stared at Chu Qing, wishing he could swallow him.

At the door of the box, the sturdy white young lady went to the door, and the corner of her mouth also showed an excited smile.

Sister Zhou eats meat, these little ones can always drink soup, this Little Brat has a tender skin and tender skin, and the taste of falling down on the bed must be wonderful!

A group of women's unscrupulous gaze made Chu Xiao fear for a while, but at this moment, Chu Xiao was still brace oneself, gritted his teeth and said, "Sister Zhou, don't involve a man with a woman. My brother is still young, you let him go."

"I let him go?"

Zhou Yun laughed heartily, lit a cigar: "You go out and inquire, my old lady, I'm good. Your brother's thin arms are tender, white and watery. The old lady let him be condemned!"

"Okay, it's okay if I let him go, your brother is gone, you stay. But stay here, hehe, don't blame the old lady …"

Before I finished speaking, I heard Chu Xiao resolute and decisive: "I stay!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and barely smiled: "Xiao Qing, you go home first, and your sister will go back later."

Chu Qing shook his head.

He is not blind!

He really wanted to leave Chu Xiao here and made it clear that something was wrong!

"Obey, you are a male child. It is not safe here. It was originally the disaster I ran into. I will solve it." Chu Xiao laughed bitterly.

"Sister, do you think your brother is so arrogant?"

Suddenly, Chu Qing laughed, and then turned into a bitter gourd face: "Sister, let's discuss, don't you call me Xiao Qingxing? My name is Chu Qing!"

After finishing talking, Chu Qing turned his head and looked towards Zhou Yun sitting on the sofa, holding back a vomiting feeling, shaking his head and saying, "Fuck, you an old woman, dare to let me stay?"


All around, Zhou Yun's group was shocked to hear this sentence.

How many years has it been?

Sister Zhou hasn't been scolded by anyone like that, or a man with hairs not even grown yet!

Sure enough, Zhou Yun flared on the spot, showing a somber smile, smothering the cigar, and the wailing cried out: "Smelly Brat, you are dead, the old lady tells you, the old lady will copy you on the bed and feed him for you Box Wei … "


Before she finished talking, she faced a slap in the face. Everyone couldn't see clearly, and she saw Chu Qing standing in front of Zhou Yun, right hand in her pocket, a look of calm and composed.

"Little brother!"

Chu Xiao was stunned and shouted inexplicably, covering his small mouth.


"Sister, look at me."

Chu Qing indifferently smiled. I didn't look at Zhou Yun, who had exploded on the spot, directly struck, avoiding a fist that came from behind.

"Go, grab me for me!"

Zhou Yun roared flustered and exasperated, jumped up, and pounced on Chu Qing himself.

"Interesting !"

Punched a punch with a woman behind him, Chu Qing's eyelids jumped slightly, the woman of this World really had great strength!


He is not afraid!

"Smelly Brat, lie down for me!"

Behind him, Bai Bai yelled, resembling a female bear, bursting out of great force, her feet stepped in the trampoline, appeared on the side of Chu Qing, and followed a fiercely lock throat to Chu Qing.

"Trifling brute force."

Chu Qing shook his head laughed and pointed into a sword. The next moment quickly hit the woman's eyebrow, as if a sword poked on the balloon. Sister Bai suddenly slammed her body, followed by a scream like a pig, He flew out violently, hit the wall straight, and fell 7-8 1.

"Smelly Brat, you are bold!"

Zhou Yunqi exploded, and after seeing it for only half a minute, his own person fell halfway, his eyes emitting terrifying killing intent, and suddenly pumped from his waist, a black pistol appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Is there a gun?"

Chu Qing paused, revealing a little unexpected expression.

Seeing that he didn't move, Zhou Yun immediately laughed proudly, gritted his teeth and scolded: "Boy, see if your hand is fast, or my bullet is fast!"


Chu Xiao flew in front of Chu Qing, his face pale and said: "Sister Zhou, my younger brother is not sensible, please spare him."

She also looked a little surprised. Obviously she didn't expect her to have such a skill, but the skill is better, can it be compared with the gun?

"Smelly son, if you talk again, believe or not the old lady sells you to the mountains?"

"you dare! "

Chu Qing shot a sharp edge instantly, all around A group of women couldn't help shivering, and felt that the air temperature all around seemed to drop to zero.

"See if I dare."

Zhou Yunbao smiled.

"If you want to bring about one's own destruction, I will do it for you." Chu Qing said quietly that he would start.

"Haha, how can you not call me such a lively scene?"

Just then, the box door was pushed open and walked into a woman in red cheongsam, followed by two black clothed women, like bodyguards, exuding a sharp imposing manner.

"Eh, it's you, Chu Qing!" The cheongsam woman saw Chu Qing and suddenly expressed great joy.

Chu Qing groaned and stared at the woman in amazement. It was the woman who had just crossed into this World during the day and met the woman in the hotel who wanted to be "overlord"

"How come you are here?"

Chu Qing is a bit stunned.

"Haha! Of course I'm here!" Ye Chenxi laughed on the spot without looking at Zhou Yun: "Zhou Yun, this kid I'm going to look at first, without your business, get out!"

Zhou Yun hearing this complexion ashen, screamed: "Ye Madam, do you want to break the rules!"

"Bad rules?"

Ye Chenxi pupil light was cold, and his voice fell deep: "Take people away, discount your hands and legs and throw them on the street."

"No, Ye Madonna, no, Old Ye, I'm wrong!"

Zhou Yun was terrified in an instant, as if awakening to something, and making a horrified begging for mercy. The next moment even knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed.

"One hand and one leg."

Ye Chenxi said quietly.

Two black clothed women hearing this stepped up, and Zhou Yun, whose expression was cold and stretched to the ground, walked out.

Soon, the entire Crescent Bar was quiet, the music stopped, and at the same time a scream was suddenly echoed in the night sky.

"Chu Qing, this is a gift from you, do you like it?"

Ye Chenxi smiled with broad white teeth.

"Want you to do more business?"

Chu Qing frowned. If the woman didn't show up, he would have solved the problem long ago and walked away with the elder sister.

"Yeah, you are the first man to dare to talk to me like this!"

Under the astonished eyes of two black clothed women, Ye Chenxi blinked her eyes in surprise, as if looking at a rare toy, and looked at Chu Qing from beginning to end.

"Not the same, tsk tsk, so different, you are really different from those men! Hehe, I decided, you are my 36th boyfriend!"