
36th term!

Chu Qing's face was black.

"Sorry, I have no interest in you!"

Chu Qing coldly refused. He finally remembered that this Ye Chenxi seemed to be a social person, and he had strength in Underground World in Jinmen City.

The other party has a younger brother named Ye Mao, who is in the same class with him. Today, I went to this classmate's house to play. As a result, I was taken by Ye Chenxi. Later, Chu Qing only remembered that the other party sent him home, and the other person took it in the car. A bottle of drink, when I wake up again, is the embarrassing scene of the hotel in front.

In an instant, Chu Qing had the urge to scold his mother.

In the past life, it is not unusual for men to give drugs to women, but now, they are drugged by a woman! No matter how thick his face was, he couldn't say such words. For a time, he hated the woman in front of him.

"Little brother, let's go."

Chu Xiao was a little frightened, and also saw what Ye Chenxi meant to Chu Qing. He was worried that he would escape from the box after pulling Chu Qing out of the mouth and then into the tiger's mouth.

Ye Chenxi smiled, not at all to stop the meaning of 2 siblings.

"Wait a minute." Chu Qing stopped the elder sister and said, "Sister, you are waiting for me outside."

"Ah?" Chu Xiao blinked and said, biting her silver teeth, "Brother, I won't go."

She actually regrets that as an elder sister, she is a woman who should have protected the younger brother, but she almost made the younger brother take a risk just now. If he really has an accident, she will not forgive herself forever in her life.

"Sister, don't worry, I'm okay, you just watched it, I'm good at it."

Ye Chenxi heard this and wanted to say something. What good is a man's skill? It is useless in front of some powerful women, just like himself.

"Well, I'm outside the door, you scream when something happens."

The elder sister hesitated and glanced at Ye Chenxi. It was estimated that she was comparing her strength with hers. Finally, she was annoyed to find that if the other party wanted to use strength, she and the younger brother were completely useless.

"But … this woman seems interested in the younger brother?"

She was suddenly excited in her heart. The woman in front of her seemed to be very powerful. If the younger brother married her, wouldn't she have a big backer?

If you let Chu Qing know the elder sister's thoughts at this time, she will definitely spit ten meters away from her old blood.

"Brother, you are a male child. Be implicit, Ye Young Lady will not treat you like that, that … you talk."

The elder sister withdrew with a smile, seeing Chu Qing's scalp tingling for a while.

But fortunately, as soon as the elder sister left, he did not have any pressure and immediately looked up and stared at Ye Chenxi.

To be honest, Ye Chenxi is very beautiful!

Chu Qing has also seen a lot of beautiful women in the cultivation world, but Ye Chenxi is different from those fair-hearted fairies. She has a wild nature all over her. If any man sees her, she will have a desire to conquer her.

But this World is feminist!

"Ye Chenxi!"

Under Ye Chenxi's playful gaze, Chu Qing walked straight to her, suddenly rolled her sleeves and said indifferently: "Dare you dare to break my wrist with me?"


Hearing this sentence, Ye Chenxi and 2 men were stunned.

"You mean, you want to compete with me?"

Ye Chenxi laughed, revealing a slight sarcasm: "Did you forget the fact that you are a man? Besides, can you compare with me?"

In this year, men are as powerful as women, and it is as ridiculous to tell men to make money to support their families!

"Who says men are inferior to women!"

Chu Qing's tone suddenly rose, a touch of fine mans flashed: "It's better than breaking your wrist, losing, you won't be allowed to harass me again."


Ye Chenxi hearing this laughed, laughed and said: "But I also have a condition, I won, you are my boyfriend."


With a disdainful expression in the playfulness of the girls, Chu Qing pushed the door and went out.

"Brother, as the saying goes well, a good man does not fight with a woman, you see Ye Young Lady is also full of sincerity, otherwise, you will follow her?" Chu Xiao saw Chu Qing came out, relaxed, and got together Said before.

"Are you still my elder sister? Actually want me to follow the tigress?" Chu Qing didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Later, Ye Chenxi came out and waved his hand, and the whole bar quieted down instantly.

After a few more minutes, the guests of the whole bar knew that there was a boy who wanted to break the wrist with the big sister.

That's right, in this bar street of Jinmen City, Ye Chenxi is the big sister in this area!

"Oh, can a boy compare his strength with a woman? What a fool!"

"It's not me blowing, like the little brother on the stage that is delicate and pretty, I can swallow him up!"

"Men are made of water, women are made of iron, and I am different, little brother, I made it for you."

The laughter and screams of the girls were heard from the audience, and Chu Qing heard a scalp tingling. The woman in secret thought this World is really heroic!

With a shrug, Chu Qing no longer paid attention to the voice of the audience, because Ye Chenxi had already sat before him.

"Hehe, don't say I am a big woman bullying you a little man, I will use your left hand to compare with you." Ye Chenxi said confidently.

"No need to."

Chu Qing refused indifferently and extended his right hand on the table.

He didn't believe it. Can men still lose to women?

"hmph 哼."

Ye Chenxi was a little bit angry, secretly thought this boy was really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, and later must knock him down mercilessly, letting him know the gap between men and women, just like the gap between Heaven and Earth !

"Start." With the referee's order, the two started to wrestle.

"A lot of strength, the woman of this World, it really is extraordinary."

At this moment, Chu Qing's heart moved, and he noticed a huge force coming from his arm, which forced him to fall sideways.

"Humph." Ye Chenxi showed a bland expression. As for her men, watching Chu Qing was full of disdain!

"Little brother, let's admit defeat, big sister, but our block's first strength king!"

Chu Qing remain unmoved, squinting his eyes at Ye Chenxi in front of him.

Her arms are very thin, even with a sense of line beauty, but under that slender limb, there is a hidden power of terror.

If the power of an adult man in the previous life is to lift a 100 kg weight, then at this moment Ye Chenxi can explode at least 300 kg of power!

However, I am not an ordinary man!

With a roar in his heart, Chu Qing suddenly burst into cold light, and his extreme power worked freely, vaguely, a stream of air rushed from his dantian, quickly poured into his arms, banged, and looked like a dragon!

Chu Qing's entire right arm swelled violently, turning into a dragon like a dragon. There was a faint sound of dragon roar. With a bang, Ye Chenxi hadn't reacted yet, and felt an extremely terrifying force struck her, making her breathless. Come.

After 2 3 seconds, her entire right arm was pressed by Chu Qing's arm fiercely to the lower side, followed by a burst of numbness and pain.

"I won."

"Don't forget our bet!"

Chu Qing stood up indifferently, and walked down the ring like a dragon in Ye Chenxi's extremely shocked expression.


"Am I right? Big sister actually lost to the little boy!"

"No, the point is that big sister has no resistance at all, can that force really be done by a male child?"

In this remark, there was suddenly an excited woman's voice popping out.

"I'm understood, the little brother must have no girlfriend! Is it the legendary Qilin Arm?"

Chu Qing almost didn't stumble and fell to the ground, next moment touched his nose, pulling the stunned elder sister, will leave the bar.

"Little brother, come on, come on merry!"

In the bar, crazy women screamed.

In the end, Ye Chenxi's face was white, and fiercely stared at the audience wickedly. Everyone was frightened and shrunk their heads, daring to say nothing more.

"Sister Ye, I'm going to tie the kid." The men looked at big sister big-heartedly and smiled flatteringly. In the end, Ye Chenxi slapped him in the face.

"Go away, the old lady can't afford to lose!"

After talking, Ye Chenxi turned his head and stared at Chu Qing, the interest on his face became stronger.

"Chu Qing, I have to say, you surprised me!"

Ye Chenxi stood up with a smile, flicking her long hair, and then quietly said: "But don't forget, a little man like you is destined to snuggle under the wings of our powerful woman. My words just now will still work as long as you Yes, you are my new boyfriend! In Jinmen City, you can walk unhindered in the future! "


Chu Qing couldn't stand the woman's arrogant gesture, and subconsciously responded coldly: "Who says men are inferior to women?"


Hearing this, Ye Chenxi laughed unscrupulously and shook his head: "You are too stupid, isn't this a fact that has been circulating from ancient times to modern times?"

"What's the use of men like you? How many literati heroes in history are all our women. I don't deny that some men are very good, but it is our women who contribute more to this society.

"Bao sword edge comes out from sharpening, plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold!"

"The rise and fall of the world, the female is responsible!"

"How many poems in history are praising our women, men, huh, huh, only suitable to bring child that's all at home."

Ye Chenxi said, shaking his head, not knowing what he was feeling.

And her words were also recognized by a group of women present, and even most men showed an expression of consent.

Because this is indeed a fact, in the history of this World, women are the dominant force in society, and men are only vassals that's all.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qing felt speechless for 10000 points.

"You say there are many poems praising women? What about that!"

"But I know that the mountains are so powerful that even the life is a master, and death is a ghost!"

At this moment, Chu Qing took a step forward, gazing at Ye Chenxi, one word at a time, with a high tone!

"I still know! Tian Xingjian, the gentleman should be self-improving!"

"Is Golden Scale a thing in the pool, turning into a dragon in the event of a storm!"

"The old man talks about being a teenager, pulling the yellow on the left, and Qingqing on the right … Will be able to pull the bow like a full moon, look northwest and shoot Sky Wolf!"

"Even, there are men who don't bring Wu Hou and charge 50 Guanshan states!"

Finally, Chu Qing's mouth was tickled, smiling like evil spirits.

"Drunken beauty knee, wake up to kill human rights!"

"That's the man!"