Chapter 91: Fixtures

"Master, What I mean is you're still young if we go by the standards of cultivation so it'll be more helpful if you joined one of the top academies in the Alliance. I'm sure with your talent a top Academy will surely recruit you. Their talents will be nurtured better. Whereas if you stayed here and worked for the Mercenary guild you'd have to earn your resources. And the kind of resources will also be limited in comparison." Vishnu patiently told her the pros and cons. It is not that Veronica couldn't have thought about this in the future. She could have already thought about it as Jiaxin has already asked her to look for the top Academies in the Alliance through Juan. She would be meeting with him along with sect master jin and other gold-level elders.

They would discuss when the forces of the Alliance will arrive and  also ask about some other stuff. Even if they couldn't meet with Juan as he is captain of the crew, They could still chat with the crew members.