Chapter 92: Treasure

Chen Jiaxin looked at Vishnu surprised. It has only been a bit more than two hours since he left and he already got it. She became impressed by Vishnu's resourcefulness. 

"How did you get it?" Even though it wasn't that hard to guess she still asked.

"How else? Just showed them some things and it all worked out." Vishnu didn't think much about the interaction he had with Vans, other than the tea which tasted good. 'I should ask for some of that next time' He thought.

"Oh! Anyway. So you'd also have money to buy things during the auction. I've never attended one myself but from what I've heard from the elders of our clan they showcase some miraculous things ranging from artifacts and cultivation methods to some rare ingredients and even beast babies. You can get almost anything you want there." Chen Jiaxin looked excited as she thought of this. She looked at Fenrir who was comfortably sleeping on the bed.