Coronation Suite

Yavanna's fists rested on her dress, the gold fabric warmed beneath the skin and she moved them to another section of fabric. She'd been doing the same rotation throughout the journey. Her eyes wandered around the trees and the small areas of open spaces.

Having been raised in Viland, she was used to fields and meadows. There were forests, but they were not as closely packed as Nothad's were. Nothad's forest felt suffocating and sinister; as though something was hiding behind the branches. If she stared too long at the lingering mists she felt the cold seep into her bones and constrict her lungs, further than they were already being constricted.

Looking away, the only option was to stare at the opposite side of the carriage. The king only sat gruffly. Her mind drifted to him. Why did he find her so hideous? She was tempted to look at her chest once again. Ever since he'd said those things she found herself glancing at her body and trying to see that it could be appealing. But if it wasn't appealing to her husband, then there was no point.

His demeanour was always rough and harsh and his words were brash and quick to the point. She considered herself and scoffed in her mind at how they couldn't be more opposite. She was shy and stuttered at every other word. She felt safe feeling small, except when he made her feel insignificant. Which he did every time he was next to her. But she'd never enjoyed feeling larger than she was.

She wasn't necessarily attracted to him, she realized. She'd never been attracted to his personality, that was definite. But she'd thought she was attracted to him physically, but looking at him again she realized that she wasn't. His build was too large, his face was too severe and his eyes too intense. 'His face could use a beard to soften it.' She thought apathetically.

Sneaking a glance at his hair she decided that his hair was certainly attractive. It looked so smooth and flawless. The roots were darker with the tips being a near gold colour. Like a pool of gold.

His eyes snapped aggressively to hers and she immediately looked away. Her heart thundered in her chest. She was beginning to dislike his eyes very much.

The carriage arrived at its destination long before the light began to wane but she could feel the temperature dropping already. Yavanna was helped from the carriage by Sir Greyson. The king stepped out after her and walked straight ahead and into the trees.

She glanced at Sir Greyson but he had nothing to add. 'Conversation was going to be a struggle.' She thought as the knight led her through the trees. The path was well-worn, the roots that would've once been a hindrance were now worn away and smooth beneath her feet.

She shivered and peered into the mysterious forest when she felt a murmuring wind against her face. It blew her veil against her face yet she felt the world around her remain still. She felt a strange urge to enter the woods and see what beckoned her. It felt like a beckon.

"Your highness."

She was jolted from her thoughts by Sir Greyson's slightly impatient voice. She continued on with his guidance; her eyes ever wary of the forest around them.

Her lips parted and her eyes brightened when the main attraction of the journey came into sight. Before her stretched a vast clearing that looked completely natural; the moss crawled across the forest floor, free of any blemishes or disease. The trees bent to conceal the area, their bows twining along with each other and restricting any light from reaching it.

The only light source she could see, other than the natural light that snuck in through the leaves, were lanterns filled with glow bugs.

"Oh! Welcome, your highness." Yavanna's head turned and she saw a kind looking woman. Her blonde hair was tied into a braid that sat orderly on her shoulder. "I hope it is all to your liking." She said, her arms spreading out towards the entire hall.

"It is." Yavanna breathed, "It's beautiful."

The woman smiled, "Is there anything you would have changed or added?"

Yavanna was about to answer no when a notion occurred to her. She smiled broadly, "Are there any flowers available that you could use to decorate this place?"

"Yes, your highness. Any kind you would specifically prefer?"

"No. I'm certain whatever flowers you have would be lovely." She answered, looking around the green and spacious area once more.

It would be a beautiful coronation.

Sir Greyson conducted her through a hidden path on the right side of the hall that led to a massive double story building. She craned her head back to see the slanted roof.

"This is where the king and queen stay for the ceremony." Sir Greyson explained, "The servants have a camp a short distance from here."

She looked up at him and nodded. Around the cabin were servants and a few soldiers bustling about with food and boxes, some of which were hers. The trees surrounding the chalet were all trimmed so that no branches could bother any passerby. The path was packed dirt and the ground looked spongy with decomposing things.

As they walked in amongst them and to the door of the building. The inside was just as busy with people rushing up and down steps, tidying and cleaning the large room. Before Yavanna was a large sitting area, to its right was a large mantle with an impressive fireplace below it. The stone floors were covered with furs and patterned rugs.

At the far back of the room she spotted a long dining room table with ornaments already covering it. Chests and shelves lined the walls along with magnificent tapestries and skins. This place had a much simpler taste than the castle, and she found herself enjoying it.

"Your room is upstairs, your highness." Sir Greyson gestured to the large set of stairs that stood between the seating area and the dining area. She nodded and slowly began to ascend them, Sir Greyson trailing behind her. She smiled at his attitude.

Arriving at the top step her browse drew together in a slight frown. She could only see one room, and it took up the entirety of the loft. One bed sat at her left beneath a large window. The light spread across the room that she could only assume would be shared by her and the king.

"Your luggage will be brought soon, and your servants are on their way." The knight bowed and exited the room and left down the steps. She sighed and pressed her lips together. Tomorrow was the coronation; the preparations were all being rushed because they'd thought it would need to be postponed because of her being poisoned. But it was only being pushed a day.

Many of the guests had arrived, including some delegates from her family. She hoped Maxwell would be there. She knew that Mirella could not make it, her parents were still imprisoning her because of her actions. Yavanna wished she knew what her sister had done; she'd always been more adventurous and fearless, but her parents had seemed truly horrified.

Shaking her head she stepped further into the room. Pushing away the guilt from the feeling of stealing her sister's crown, she observed the said object. It was different from any crown she'd ever laid eyes on. The king had worn a crown on their wedding day but it hadn't been as detailed.

It was made of gold but looked as though it had been plucked right off of a deer. The gold was crafted to resemble antlers with beautiful roses and buds crafted of silver woven between them. She could imagine how difficult it would be, the gold looked immensely heavy and the idea of wearing such an important symbol was daunting.