Ancient Caves

Yavanna stirred and stretched. A small smile etched her lips when she felt no pain or soreness.

"Ah, you're finally up."

She froze. Why? Why did he have to be here? Here, in her peaceful place. She felt a choke in her throat and she was torn between yelling or sobbing.

But she only rested her eyes for a few more moments before she opened them. Her chest tightened uncomfortably when she saw a rough ceiling carved from rock only a few feet above her face.

Breathing in a deep breath she opened her eyes and locked eyes with the king. Her lips pressed into a thin line and she pushed him away from her. Sitting up she shivered at the sudden gust of cold wind and she noticed that she was only wearing her underdress.

Her ears burned and she glanced at the king, who had yet to move. Inhaling deeply again she stood and surveyed the room, no, the cave they were in. In front of her was a low dais, only a foot or so high with runes etched into it and green moss clinging to it.

The roughly circular rock walls were also all decorated with runes. She frowned when she understood one of them.

"Magic.." She muttered, walking closer to it and past the king. Her fingers traced it and she felt it hum to life. Next to it was another symbol, and her lips parted in confusion when she recognized it as well.

'Memory. No, not memory. Prophecy.' Her fingers trailed over the delicate carving and she jumped back when a sudden rush of emotion came to her. Lust, desire, love, heartache and.. pain so terrible tears sprang to her eyes.

She looked back at the king only to find him staring at her. She pressed her lips together and turned to face him. Testing her throat by cleaning it, she asked steadily, "What do you want, your majesty?"

She was tempted to smile when her voice was clear and her throat was free of pain.

"I could ask you the same thing, your majesty."

Her features pulled into a frown at his mocking tone. "Why am I not wearing the veil?" Her voice was firm but her eyes trembled at what he could mean.

"Because you no longer need it."

"Why?" They had not consummated their marriage yet. Why would he give her this freedom?

"Despite what you may think, I'm not cruel for no reason."

Yavanna scoffed. She sincerely doubted that. "I have my doubts about that." She couldn't meet his eyes, but it felt good to finally say what was on her mind. To be bold. He had hurt her and allowed her to be hurt. "And won't it impugn my honour?"

"Do you even know how?" He asked, sounding amused.

She shot a glare at him before looking away again, her ears burning red. Maybe she could ask Mirella. Though the thought left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"What is this place?" She changed the subject, her eyes roving over the numerous runes, all of whose names she knew.

"These are the Ancient Caves. Where all past kings were buried. Where King Horst lies." He whispered the last sentence and she tossed a curious glance at him before looking down a dark path that stood off to the side.

"Why did you bring me here?" She whispered, feeling an icy chill run up her veins.

"Do you know who you are, Yavanna?" He asked softly and she spun to look at him, confusion more evident on her face than before.

"I'm… a witch?" She offered hesitantly.

"Not just any witch. You've read the prophecy—"

She cut him off, "I don't remember the prophecy." Though from the way her muscles were tensing she could guess what he was saying. Her body was preparing for something. Her body felt more awake. More alert.

He paused, as though considering her words. "The prophecy states that the Hundredth King will find the key to end the curse. A maiden, with a hidden face and one who bears powerful magic."

Yavanna's eyes strayed from the dark path and back to the king. She scoffed, "You—you're saying that I'm in the prophecy?"

"You're the key."

She stumbled back, nearing the unlit passage, "What's wrong with you? That's impossible.." Her chest constricted. She didn't want to be the key.

"It's very possible, Yavanna." Again her skin chilled yet warmed in a strange way when he breathed her name, "Why do you think we were brought together?"

"Because Mirella and Rune couldn't keep it in their pants." She answered bitterly. She glanced at the king and saw that his jaw was clenched angrily.

"Fate." He bit out. Her eyes darted to the path again and she swallowed tensely. Something was there—"Fate put us here. And now it's my duty to fulfill the prophecy."

Yavanna felt as though he was reluctantly spitting out the lines from a script. Her mouth parted to reply when her fears came into fruition and a shadow lunged at her from the dark.

Her senses suddenly became dulled and she watched through her blurred vision as the shadow hit an invisible wall before her and collapsed to the ground. The king appeared before her and grabbed the black, hairy shadow by its neck and threw it against the wall, pinning it there.

"Shift, you mutt!" He growled. Yavanna watched on in confusion before she stared in bewilderment at the shadow's transformation from a dark creature to an attractive young man.

The man smirked then grimaced at Amory's hold. "What are you doing here?"

The captive's eyes drifted to Yavanna's for a moment before he smirked at the king, "Rune was worried for your little queen here."