Just A Taste

Yavanna's heart thundered in her chest. The hunger in Amory's eyes caused her to second guess her decision. But, if she could save the maid from this fate, then it was worth it?

Her thoughts fled from her mind when he stepped towards her. He didn't stop but she couldn't move. Her eyes darted to the right quickly when she realized that she wasn't cold.

"I can make it so you never remember this, if it'll be easier for you."

She blinked, "H-how?"

"I can compel you." He whispered and she swore she felt it on her skin. She shivered, but she wasn't repulsed. Why wasn't she as terrified as she should be? Why didn't she feel the way she'd felt when Velio had done this to her?

"What does that mean?" She asked warily as she backed away, nearing the couches.

"It means you won't even remember this tomorrow." His voice was becoming gruffer by the minute. His voice made her mind swim distractedly.

"I d-don't want to forget things." She said as her thighs hit the arm of a chair.

She heard a rough exhale before she saw the corner of his lips lift in a smirk, "Oh, you won't forget."

All at once, the candles blew out and her hands gripped the fabric beneath her. With her heart beating as loudly as possible she couldn't make out a single sound. Her panic seized her, cold and fierce. He was going to hurt her, she knew. But it was her own decision.

"Yavanna.." He breathed and she closed her eyes, flinching, or maybe relishing the way her name sounded in his rough, deep voice. That deep voice began coaxing things out of her and she didn't want it to stop. It came from behind her first and he told her to come sit on his lap.

She blushed painfully and she rubbed her ears. But maybe this was how it was done. Maybe he would only need a little bit of her blood, he wouldn't take all of it, would he? Her blood. Her stomach churned and her nervousness flooded back.

Yavanna couldn't even see her hands in front of her, much less the couch. She walked to where she felt that it should be but her feet stumbled blindly over something and she fell onto him. She gasped shrilly.

His heat enveloped her and her eyes widened at how strong his scent was. Pine and something else, something musky that she couldn't name.

He moved her to straddle his lap and she made a strangled sound in the back of her throat. But..he didn't do anything. She just remained seated atop him with his ridiculously hot body beneath her. Her clothes began to feel much too warm and her eyes began to dart around in the darkness.

They landed on his bright red eyes that were staring at her only a few inches away. She went rigid and she sensed movement next to her. His hands moved, one to her waist and the other to sweep her loose hair aside, almost gently.

"I won't hurt you, Yavanna. I will make this as painless as possible. I can't wait any longer." And as whispered his last words in his sinful voice she felt his hot breath on her neck. She gasped and squirmed away, but his hand on her waist kept her where she was. "Relax.." He breathed just below her ear and her eyes closed, her body betrayed her by shivering in response.

But..she still didn't feel repulsed. She, in fact, felt intrigued by the strange sensation of his breath on her skin. His finger began to pull away the fabric of her dress and she tensed at the feeling of his lips on her neck.

"Oh—" She exclaimed in surprise, unsure of what to feel from it. His lips were soft against her skin. She closed her eyes when he pressed another soft kiss against the tender skin. This time, he massaged it softly.

Her breath staggered and her hands began to clench around the fabric of her nightgown. She still didn't know why she had awoken in his room, dressed in a nightgown with her fever gone.

Her heart beat at a frightening, staggered pace as he continued to press his hot lips against her neck. Another shiver racked her body and she grabbed his shoulders, pulling herself closer to his lips. His lips that were slowly melting her into him.

Through the muddled mess that was her thoughts, she finally managed to ask, "Is this how…" She lost her words when she felt his tongue slip from his lips, almost as though by accident, and stroke just an inch of her skin.

Her back arched forward more violently and she became achingly aware of a heat spiraling below her stomach.

"Is this how you always do this?" Her voice didn't sound like hers. It sounded breathless and hoarse, needy almost. She wasn't a needy woman. But… oh, she wanted to feel his tongue on her neck again.

He stopped with his kissing and exhaled harshly on her now burning flesh. She fought desperately not to squirm on top of him, but she had a feeling he had done it intentionally.

"No." He finally replied, against her skin, "But seeing as you're my queen, I believe I can make an exception."

'Why?' She wanted to ask, but he was finished with talking it seemed.

He kissed along the same spot, sending that heat across her body, all of it sparking down her spine and igniting into a slow burning fire between her thighs.

Just when she reached the point where she wanted to whimper, to ask him to give her more, he bit into her neck. She did whimper. And her hands that gripped his shoulders wrapped around his head and clutched at his messy hair.

It didn't hurt. In fact, it…made her heart steady out and her eyelids droop. The slow sucking of his familiar lips nearly lulled her to sleep. His hands that rested on her hips massaged the skin there, slowly and sensually.

Yavanna blinked heavily, was this what their wedding night would've looked like? Another long blink and she rested her head on his. He was still taking her blood, like a starving man. She closed her eyes and felt her mind leave the world.

It wasn't too bad. She had expected it to hurt terribly. She slept for, what seemed to her, hours. A gentle nudging to her shoulders finally woke her.

"Yavanna." At the sound of her name she tried to force her bleary eyes open. She felt someone, hopefully him, stroking her hair. If it was anyone else stroking her hair, she wasn't sure what she would do.

"There you are." He said softly when she began to stir.

When she finally pried her eyes open she found that she was still sitting on his lap, and that their faces were mere inches apart.