Chapter Sixteen — Angry Wife, Nonchalant Husband

Third Person Pov

"Move out of my way," Emerald demanded harshly, looking up at Brian with a frown plastered on her face.

For some reason, looking at his face was making her very upset, and she just wanted to express her anger in her own way because she felt like holding it in was only going to make her feel like she would burst.

"Is there a problem, Emerald?" Brian asked, noticing that something wasn't right about her tone.

She sounded like she was pretty much upset with him, but he couldn't understand why she would be upset since he hadn't done anything to her, and they'd barely even said a word to each other since the wedding.

"Should there be?" Emerald retorted, maintaining the harshness in her tone.

Brian's brows creased. "I don't think so. Is there perhaps something you don't like about your bedroom or about the house that's making you uncomfortable in any way?" he asked, visibly confused, and Emerald rolled her eyes.