Chapter Seventeen — Desperate Wife


"I'm married to an idiot, Mia. A stupid fool, a jackass, a sick maniac, a complete moron!" I yelled furiously, pacing back and forth in Mia's living room with a furious look on my face.

After the stunt Brian pulled earlier today, I haven't been myself because each time I think about how he just walked away from me like I was nothing, I become furious all over again, and I can't help but curse at him.

I thought I could have a reasonable conversation with him where I can get him to talk to me about certain things so that I would know how to act, but instead of trying to understand where I was coming from, he made it clear that he isn't concerned with whatever servants say about me and that just makes me want to bash his face into a table.

"You've been at this for over thirty minutes, Emerald. Aren't you tired?" Mia asked.