Chapter Thirty Three — For Love or For Business

Third Person Pov

Emerald was completely lost in her thoughts on our way back to the house with Brian and the only thing she could do was just sit quietly and allow herself to think things through.

She didn't expect Brian to offer her that sort of position and if he had offered her this position a day or two before, she probably would have happily agreed to it but for some reason, she was finding it rather difficult to accept his job offer right now. She couldn't help but remember the things he had said to her just today and every time she remembered, she felt foolish and belittled all over again.

It just didn't feel right to her that she could accept his job offer knowing that he wasn't exactly offering her the position from the bottom of his heart. It might be another way for him to just show her that he had the upper hand and that her desperation was just another sign of how much more superior he was to her.