Chapter Thirty Four — He's a Psychopathic Robot


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Is this real? Like, is it really real?" Mia asked as soon as she walked into Brian's home.

The fact that she sounded so excited was not a surprise to me because the first time that I came here as well, I was also quite shocked about just how huge the place was but I couldn't openly express my shock then because I had other things to worry about.

"It's crazy, right?" I asked.

"Girl, the second I saw the exterior of the place, I already expected to be walking into a palace but I didn't think it'd be this awesome! How in the world do you live here and you don't even attempt to brag about it? If I were in your place, the whole world would have known who my husband was by now because I swear to God, I won't stop bragging about it," Mia exclaimed in excitement and I rolled my eyes at her.