Chapter Forty Four — Inexperienced Husband


"You know, you really shouldn't be looking at me like that, hubby," I joked, finding the discomfort on Brian's face amusing.

He was sitting very close to me on the long sofa by the glass wall that exposed the beautiful scenery that surrounded that luxurious villa. At first, we were both staring out the window without saying anything to each other but then, I noticed that he was looking at me and I turned my attention back to him.

"How else do you expect me to look at you?" he asked, trying to sound upset with me even though I had a feeling he wasn't as upset as he was trying to seem.

"The look on your face is making me feel like I did something bad to you but I know that one of these days, you're going to thank me for making an effort to save your neck," I responded, resting my back comfortably on the sofa I was seated on even though I wasn't particularly comfortable.