Chapter Fifty One — Comfort in His Embrace

Third Person Pov

The last person Emerald had expected to show up was Brian. In fact, she didn't think anyone was going to show up since she didn't particularly tell anyone that she would be there. She also didn't think anyone would expect her to be staying all by herself in the cottage.

"What's wrong, Emerald?" Brian asked gently, trying to figure out the best way to approach her without offending her.

He knew that they were currently not on the best terms and he had a feeling she wouldn't be too happy that he had found her here. Of course, he could easily just walk away and pretend like he didn't say anything but he had to admit that he cared way too much to just leave her by herself while she was crying so much.

"What are you doing here Brian? Why do you, of all people, have to show up here?" Emerald hissed, unable to hide the fact that she was disappointed and annoyed by his arrival.