Chapter Fifty Two — Marlene and Giovanni

Third Person Pov

"What in the world are you doing here, Giovanni?" Marlene hissed as soon as she saw Gio sitting on the sofa in her living room.

She had just arrived back home and she wasn't expecting to see him in her place. She remembered that she had given him a key to her place before but she regretted not asking him back for it seeing how he had the audacity to barge into her place.

"We need to talk, Marlene," Giovanni responded, trying to sound as calm as possible even though he was the farthest thing from being calm.

He had been waiting patiently for the day he'd finally get to have a one-on-one conversation with her since she had been avoiding coming home for days now.

"Talk about what exactly, Gio? I thought I already made it clear that I didn't have anything to say to you. Are you only going to stop when I finally report you to the police for stalking me?" Marlene snapped, feeling rather sick and tired of dealing with Giovanni's repetitive stalking.