Chapter Fifty Four — Cold-hearted & Emotionless


This wasn't right.

Something wasn't right with me right now and I had a feeling that staying with Emerald for much longer was going to result in me making a huge mistake that I'd probably regret tomorrow.

When she smiled at me so suddenly, I felt a pinch in my chest that wasn't something I'd usually feel for just anyone. And the fact that her eyes were still fixed on mine in such an attractive way, wasn't making the situation any better for me.

"What's with that look on your face?" she asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What look?" I replied, not too sure of what she was talking about.

"Your face suddenly turned pale and you looked like you were thinking of a million things at the same time. Don't tell me that has anything to do with my lips, or does it?" she taunted and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't exaggerate, sweetheart. I admit what you did was attractive but I'm not one to fall for such small gestures so easily," I clarified and she scoffed.