Chapter Fifty Five — Disappointed

Emerald's Pov

I did my absolute best to mask my disappointment because I didn't want Brian to realize that the things that he said had affected me. He was obviously completely clueless as usual and I didn't want to ruin the mood by acting offended when I shouldn't be.

The one thing I picked out of what he said, was that nothing could ever happen between us besides the creditor and debtor relationship we had right now.

If Brian and I ever crossed that line, it would only make it seem like his previous suspicions about me were true and the last thing I wanted for myself was to be confirmed as a gold digger. I have never had any interest in his money but if I made the mistake of doing anything with him, chances are that I would be accused of seducing him just to cement my place as his wife.

"Are you offended by my response?" Brian's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.