Chapter Sixty Two


"So, how exactly do you intend on putting a stop to the rumors? Everyone else already thinks that I'm cheating on you with some random guy and I don't think simply denying it is going to make it all go away," I said, hoping that he already had a foolproof plan.

"Did you really think that I wasn't already expecting something like this to happen? Remember I mentioned yesterday that there was a high chance that somebody had seen you and taken pictures so, of course, I prepared something, in case I ended up being right," he answered.

"And what exactly is that?" I asked.

"When we were leaving the club together yesterday, I had my contacts in the media house take a few pictures of us walking out. That was why I asked you to smile when we were leaving so that the pictures don't come out like you were unhappy to be with me," he answered and I couldn't believe that I didn't even realize this yesterday.