Chapter Sixty Six — Poisoned

Third Person Pov

"Hold on doctor, I don't understand. What do you mean my friend was poisoned? That's not possible," Mia said, finding it rather confusing that the doctor claimed Emerald had poison in her system.

"Miss, I never said your friend was poisoned but, when we ran tests on her, we discovered traces of poison in her system and that was the main reason she became so weak very quickly. The amount wasn't enough to kill her immediately but if she had exposed herself to it for a couple of days, she wouldn't have made it," the doctor responded and Mia could not believe her ears.

She didn't know how to feel about the fact that Emerald had poison in her system because knowing the kind of person Emerald was, she knew that Emerald wouldn't eat anything carelessly and she also knew that the only place Emerald could have eaten anything was at her home.

"So what's going to happen to my friend now, doctor?" Mia asked.