Chapter Sixty Seven — It has to be attempted murder!


"Aren't you going to say anything?" Mia asked, staring back at me like I had grown two heads.

"What do you want me to say, Mia?" I asked, wondering what she expected me to say to her.

I was still trying to process everything she just said to me because it was actually shocking that anyone would try to kill me. I definitely wasn't the type to offend anyone to the point where they'd want to kill me and I don't even think that I've been in a situation where I offended anyone ever since I got married to Brian.

"Well, I need you to give me possible suspects so that we can know where to start. I know it's probably very shocking to you but regardless of how surprised you are right now, it's something that we need to report as soon as possible so that it doesn't happen again," Mia asked and the more she spoke, the more confused I was getting.