Chapter Seventy — Wife & Ex-girlfriend

Brian's pov

I watched as Marlene happily strolled into the mansion, unable to do anything else but let her have her way. I was definitely not happy with the idea of her choosing to stay here of all places but she had insisted that this was where she wanted to be and that she had no reason to hide away since Emerald already knew that she and I were close and she wouldn't have any problem with her being around.

Of course, I didn't think Emerald had any right to be upset with Marlene deciding to come here but at the same time, I was aware that it wasn't very ideal of me to have my ex-girlfriend and my wife living in the same space. Emerald has always been insecure about the gossip that goes around in the house, especially concerning our marriage, and having Marlene here is only going to heighten her insecurities and probably make her even more paranoid.

"Babe? Babe! Are you okay?" Marlene's voice snapped me out of my reverie and I quickly turned my attention back to her.