Chapter Seventy Two — The height of disrespect

Emerald's Pov

Never in my entire life have I felt so angry and disgusted by a person like I was with Brian and Marlene right now. I was so furious to the point where I really wanted to throw things at both of them but unfortunately for me, there was nothing around me that I could throw so I just had to maintain my calmness and wait for them to explain what was going on to me.

"It's good to see you again Emerald," Marlene spoke up and if I didn't already know the kind of person that she was, I would actually believe that she was genuinely being friendly with me right now.

"I honestly can't see the same, dear," I responded, not bothering to pretend like I was happy to see her because I certainly wasn't and I needed Brian to explain to me why she was here right now and why she was dressed so casually like she wasn't here for a visit.