Chapter Seventy Three — Time to Have My Own Life


Days Later…

It's been over two days since I left Brian's house and ever since I left, Brian hasn't contacted me and neither have I made any attempt to contact him. I wasn't even sure he was aware of the fact that I wasn't home because I had made sure to leave quietly. Mia wanted to create a scene at first but I quickly stopped her because I felt like it would have been embarrassing on my part to react like that because of Marlene and Brian and I didn't want to realize just how much they bothered me.

Mia had tried to find ways to cheer me up, so she took me out, and now, we were at a restaurant to grab lunch. I wasn't in the best mood but I also wasn't in the worst mood. I was already slowly getting used to the idea of being irrelevant to Brian and slowly, he's also not going to be relevant to me.